You, on the other hand, were being a brat. You refused to actually go in the water but you were more than happy to mess around and splash them anytime they came out of the pool. You would wait until they were just about dry before you would make your move, prompting a glare from whichever one was your victim at the moment, and then a sigh as they dropped their towel and went back into the water since they were already wet again.

It was bound to catch up to you sooner or later, especially considering who you were dealing with. It was Sebastian who finally had enough of your shenanigans and decided to take action. He waited until Chris was far enough away from you that he wouldn't be able to help and then ran over, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you over to the pool. You shrieked with laughter because you had seen something like this coming, and tried to pull away but Sebastian was stronger. The next thing you knew, you were being thrown into the rather cold water, clothes and all.

When you emerged from under the water, you saw Chris standing at the edge of the pool looking horrified. But you were enjoying yourself, laughing as you swam to the ladder and slowly eased yourself out, clothes wet and heavy and weighing you down. Chris rushed to your side, extending a hand to help you out.

"Are you okay?" He asked, very concerned.

You laughed again. "I'm fine. I suppose I should have seen that coming."

As you walked past Seb, who was killing himself laughing, you shook your hair so it sprayed all over his face.

"Sorry love, but you brought that on yourself." He said, pulling you into a playful hug.

It was when you reached around to hug him back that you noticed something was missing from your hand. The giant stone that was supposed to be sitting on your ring finger was no longer there.

Your heart dropped and panic immediately filled your eyes. Seb noticed the change in demeanor immediately and frowned.

"What's wrong? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

You glanced up at him, eyes still filled with fear. "No, no, it's not...that. I just..."

You quickly turned, seeing Chris who was still on your other side, and moved close to him so you could whisper.

" ring."

He frowned. "What about it?"

"I think's in the pool somewhere."

You saw the flash of panic cross over Chris's face as well, but he did a good job trying to hide it from you.

"Okay, well we'll just...have a look or something." He turned to look at the pool and frowned again.

The other boys had surrounded you as well by that point and could tell something was up.

"What's going on?" Jeff asked.

"(Y/N) lost her ring in the pool." Chris mumbled, not really looking any of them in the eye.

You cast a glance over at Seb and could tell that he felt terrible.

"Christ, I'm sorry babe." He said. "I didn't realize...I wouldn't have thrown you in if...."

You put a hand on his shoulder. "No, it's okay. It's not your fault. It's gotta be in there somewhere; pool's not that big, right?"

"We'll go in and find it." Jeff said, immediately tossing his shirt to the side and jumping back into the pool.

"Careful not to stir up the water too much." Chris warned. "Don't want it to get pushed into the drain or somethin'."

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