You matter!💜

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There's a lot of you out there today dealing with issues of self worth. You don't feel very good about yourself simply because the things you've been through. The things you've done. And the things done to you. Well what if I offered you a twenty dollar bill. Would you take it? Chances are you would. Well before I give it to you I have an offer at warning because while this twenty dollar bill can be used for a lot of good. Chances are it has seen a lot of bad. If this twenty dollar bill could think and have a mind it may have a bad conscience. Maybe it's been used to do drugs or maybe to buy drugs. Maybe a drug deal went bad and someone died over this. In fact it could of been used to fund a terrorist organization. Perhaps it's been used for impure things like a purchase of a prostitute. Any number of things could of been done with this twenty dollar bill. Still want it? Of course you do because no matter what's been done with it or to it. It's still worth twenty bucks. Maybe I can take it and rip it. Put makes on it that are simply just unfair and unsightly. Still want it? Of course you do because an authority higher than us gave its value and nothing can take that away. Same with you. No matter what you've been through. No matter what you've done. You still have worth. It's built into you and you need to remember that. There are things I wish I could go back in time to redo undo or just never do at all. But I can't. Even though I'm reminded everyday by many people even my own conscience and heart that I did them. I still have to remind myself something with greater authority than me and even bigger than my own actions gave me a self worth. I believe in that. I hope you believe in that as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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