Chapter Four: The Day After

Start from the beginning

"Um it is 7:15! If we are going to school we might want to get ready." Jax offers. He hasn't said one word to me this entire morning but knowing when he does, all that will come from his mouth is  - One: Why am I wearing Chase's clothes and Two: Why the hell did I hook up with Ethan. That kiss still burns in my head. The way his lips molded with- wait a minute! Stop thinking like that Sawyer! Get yourself together! Why the hell am I thinking about the kiss shared with Ethan? I mean he's Ethan, a guy that I have know since I was born. I kid that I bathed with! The only reasonable answer to the reasoning behind my thoughts is that I am definitely going crazy.

"Hello, Sawyer are you there?" Brendan says knocking on my head. "Son of a bitch Brendan! What part of me being hung-over don't you get? What the hell did you want that was so important that you had to cause me pain?" I turn and glare at him. His big blue eyes widen and he smirk disappears.

"Jax was just asking if you were going to school. I mean if you want to keep the perfect attendance record the guys and I can stay home and clean." Chase suggests. I shake my head before answering, "No way in hell am I going to school today! I can barely concentrate on the words coming out of my mouth let alone some pointless information that I will never use in my life." "But don't you have detention or did you forget? From that look on your face I am going to guess that you forgot." The blood draws from my face leaving my mouth gaping. Shit I totally forgot about it! I skip yesterday and sure enough I will today! I am going to be dead when I go to school tomorrow. Maybe I can just pretend I am sick. No that won't work, parents have to call. Funeral? No, too emotional. Birth of a baby? No, too happy. I give up! I am just going to have to go for extra days. That's so annoying though! Like why does Ms. Nelson have to be such a witch? "Yeah whatever! It's not like I planned to have perfect attendance with my new reputation and whatnot." I shrug.

"Good, now that we have established that we are indeed skipping school, let's clean this house up. Ok Jax and Brendan you're on alcohol duty! Hide or throw out everything! And that includes washing away bodily substances. You know where the mop is. Liam and Ethan, wake anyone who is sleeping and get them the hell out of my house!" he orders, the four guys scurry away.

"Ok, Hope and Taylor, your job is to go get changed into something comfortable and grab a trash bag and throw everything that is not supposed to be in this house in there, like underwear, cups and any condoms! Sorry!" Taylor and Hope trudge away grumbling thing under their breaths like "Son of a bitch" and  "Trash duty! Way to be so ironic!" Chase now turns to Skylar so is sitting Indian style on the ground clutching her stomach. "Now Skylar you ca-" but before Chase can give us our orders she snaps "No way in hell am I doing any house work! I can barely move without it feeling like my ovaries are about to explode... Sorry for the graphic image but if you don't mind I am so to sit my ass on the floor and pass out until you guys figure this shit out." She then curls up into a ball before closing her eyes. See like I said, she is in a pissy mood.

"So what should I do?" I question. "Well we can go and get the house back in order. We can put the rugs back and the vases so the house looks normal." He grabs my hand and starts pulling me to the guest bedroom where with stored all the crap. The room is painted a light blue, so light it looks almost white. The rugs are leaning against the black wooden door that leads into what I suspect is a walk in closet. Little trinkets are placed all around this quirky little room. The bed is covered with a quilt with patches of different sports balls. It looks like a room right out of PB Teen. There is a mirror that is on top of the wooden bureau. Curious about how repulsive I must look, I look into the rounded reflector.  I look better than I assumed. My hair is still straight although there is some static. My mascara created a line under my eye making it look like I overdid it with the eyeliner but other than that I look fine.

"Ok Sawyer, stop checking yourself out in the mirror. You're not that pretty." Chase jokes. I have known Chase and the rest of the man-whores for my entire life. Unfortunate, I know. You see all of our mom's went to school together and were best friends. Once they went to college they spread apart, but not far enough to not talk. After college they all decided to move back home.  They were each other's bridesmaids in the each wedding, which where the same date but different months like my mom's is July 26, 1987 and Chase's mom is June 26, 1987. They all went on to the same place for their honeymoon, Bora Bora and conveniently they all got pregnant at the same time. Yeah I know very cliché and cheesy but that is my life.

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