For Oli <3

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You're the light in the darkness

 That cannot extinguish.

So I shall make it my star

And have it guide me back home. 

That light will burn bright 

And as sweet as ever.

So I shall keep it with me

Always and forever.

So don't burn out, little light.

For we have only just begun.

But even so, my love for you glows as beautiful

As the setting sun.

Don't fret, my little light.

For your fire still stands.

It makes me weak at the knees,

With the gentle touch of your hands.

I love you, little light.

And I know this is gay...

But I'm going to show it to you, anyway.

Don't feel embarrassed. 

Or hold your head in shame.

Because, hey! 

You only have yourself to blame. 

For Oli &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now