Chapter 1

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I went to the woods to hunt for food for lunch since i'm the hunter of the family and my sisters are too busy. Ya wanna know what theyre up to? Well...I can tell ya,Allie's busy guarding the house she only comes in when something important is there,Ayesha...uh...I don't actually know what SHE does but all I know is that she's trying to make her room a garden,and Aneesa's busy trying to destroy Ayesha's garden room. So there's only me,even if I FORCE one them to come...they're like...."Nuh-uh.","Nope." and "Srsly?". So yeah,I go out on my own,Ayesha said I should always 'be prepared' when I go out,if I don't obey her she said she will make me wear pink. This is what I took and wore to the woods,

The pin is my favourite pin, I wear it everytime I go somewhere,I put it on my belt or shirt

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The pin is my favourite pin, I wear it everytime I go somewhere,I put it on my belt or shirt. I tied my hair up into a ponytail,took my phone and the other things I need and went. As soon as I was in the woods the birds and animals were so glad to see me. "*Giggle* Hi everyone,just goin hunting is all i'm doing here." I found a wild hare somewhere,I was about to shoot it when I heard some voices. I ran up tree and hid there. I saw seven fammiliar looking men walking past the tree I was in. One of them looked up and saw me. "Ah! Hyung! Look! A little girl is stuck on a tree! Lets help her get off." He said in English. I pointed at myself and said "Me?" He nodded his head and reached out his arms to me. He got me off the tree and the wolves started growling at him. "Hey,hey,hey..i'm okay. No need to growl...." I said to the wolves. They stopped growling and left except for one. "So...are you okay?" One of them asked me. "Yeah,i'm okay. Who are you though?" I asked them. They took off they're masks and my eyes widened. "Wow..." I said to myself. "Hi! We're BTS!" They introduced themselves. "Hi! I'm Yana." I said. The wolf barked and I said "What is it girl?" It barked again and growled, "Really? We have to save them!" It growled. The wolf sniffed our way to where the girl and boy is. BTS is still following us though. I saw three men dragging a little girl and a little boy. "Shhh....stay here." I whispered to them, they nodded their heads and watched me through a camera. I went into the shadows and stayed hidden. The girl and boy were threw and tied onto a chair. They were screaming for help when the three men left. I came out of my hiding place and went over to them. I put my finger over my lips to make them be quiet,I was about to untie them until the three men came back. "HEY! LEAVE THEM ALONE! THEY NEED TO DIE! THEY DESERVE TO DIE!" One of them said. One of them ran up to me about stab me. I avoided it by holding it. I threw it away and kicked him and flipped over him. Two more guys surrounded me they started aiming guns at me. They wanted to shoot me but as soon as they shot I avoided it. I flipped over the guy infront of me,letting them shoot each other. I went back to the kids and untied them. "There, your free." I said,they smiled at me and ran away. I went back to the guys,I was sweating. I was panting too. They blushed when they saw me suddenly. "Now, let's go. It's almost dinner. TO THE WOODS!" I shouted. The wolf sniffed our way back to the forest,I found four wild hares one for each of my sisters and me. I ran behind a tree and put out carrots leading to the tree i'm behind. When one of them came near, I took out an arrow and shot it. The other three came close, I took out another three arrows and shot them. I picked them up, washed them at a nearby stream and put them in my bag. "Bye,BTS! Bye,Wolfia! See ya at sunrise tommorrow,Wolfia?" I asked Wolfia barked twice and left. I ran back home then I remembered something. "Can you find your way home?" I turned to them,they shook their heads and I facepalmed and said " guys should've said that earlier. AWWOOOOO!!" I called out to Conca,another wolf friend of mine. "Hey, Conca. Mind getting BTS back home?" Conca barked and started leading them home. I walked back home until I heard someone coming. I was about to turn until I blacked out. Growling and barking was the only thing I heard before I couldn't hear anything.
~The next day~
I woke up in a room with a guy sitting down sleeping on a chair next to the bed I was on. I saw my stuff on a table nearby. I took my phone and checked the time,Huh,almost sunrise. Wolfia and the other wolves should be awake by now. I got off the bed and went to the wadrobe I saw and opened it. I saw the kinds of clothes I would wear so I took some and wore it.

It fit well, then I went downstairs and I saw some guys being annoying

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It fit well, then I went downstairs and I saw some guys being annoying. I just put my hands in my pockets and leaned on the wall with a strawberry lolipop I stole from the fridge in my mouth. I stood still there untill they all turned to me. I looked up and smirked which made them scared. "W-who are you?" A fammiliar guy asked me. "Why am I here then? Who bought me here? Hm?" I asked them and continued sucking the lolipop. "I did" A guy behind me said. "HOLY LORD!" I almost fell but I didn't. "" I was trying not to fangirl when I saw him. "Hi,i'm-" I cut him off saying "Suho?" Their eyes widened at my guess as I went out through the door. I found a bandana in my pocket, I put it around my eyes,put up the hood and continued walking. I reached the woods with a guitar. I played a few strings (or something) before singing.

Paper Hearts
Goodbye love, you flew right by love
Remember the way you made me feel
Such young love but
something in me knew that it was real
Frozen in my head

Pictures i'm living through for now
Trying to remember the good times
Our life was cutting through so loud
Memories are playing in my dull mind
I hate this part, paper hearts
And i'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget about it
Hoping that you won't forget about it

Everything is gray under these skies
Wet mascara
Hiding every cloud under a smile
When there's cameras
And I just can't reach out to tell you
That I always wonder what your up to

Pictures i'm living through for now
Trying to remember all the good times
Our life was cutting through so loud
Memories are playing in my dull mind I hate this part, paper hearts
And i'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget about it

Hoping that you won't forget

I live through pictures as if I was right there by your side
But you'll be good without me if I could just give it sometime
I'll be alright

Goodbye love, you flew right by love

Pictures i'm living through for now
Trying to remember all the good times
Our life was cutting through so loud
Memories are playing in my dull mind
I hate this part, paper heart
And i'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget it
Hoping that you won't forget

As I was singing,the animals in the woods came to hear me sing. The birds tweeting make music with my guitar, I felt that someone was here as well, but I ignored it and continued singing. When I was done singing,I turned around and saw a guy wanting to knock me out. Before he could, I blocked his bat with my leg. "AMSYAR! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DO IT AGAIN I. WILL. DESTROY. YOU." I just found out it was him. "IT'S NOT ME! THEY MADE ME DO IT!" He's shouted at me. "Well, I already guessed it was them before you said that so you don't have to tell me." I told him as I left. I went back to the dorm and found EXO fighting using words. Really? Why are they fighting using words? I went upstairs to get my bow and arrow,and went back downstairs. I aimed for the wall nearby them and shot it. Their eyes widened as they looked at me, I walked upstairs and read a book.

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