Catching upto Speed

Start from the beginning

"We'll help her out too." Ron gestured after swallowing (following a stern look from Molly). "We haven't got anything better to do, anyways."

"Sounds good!"


It's really difficult to be faking the knowledge you've got when you've got such condescending teachers handling you

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It's really difficult to be faking the knowledge you've got when you've got such condescending teachers handling you.

Trust me, it's true.

Hermione and Ginny have got some sort of personal agenda going on with me. Hermione I could understand, she's just trying to figure out every puzzle piece that is me. What's up with Ginny though, I haven't got the faintest clue.

On the other hand after the jokes do get over, Sirius has been such a help. He's one of the smartest people I've seen till now (Lolita is still the smartest though) and he actually makes learning so much fun than it is! Remus has a sort of charm while teaching, he could easily win teacher of the year with the level of patience he shows which really hasn't been easy, at least not with me.

History of Magic is easily one of the most boring subjects I've ever looked through and I really thought Latin took the cake. Who the bloody hell needs to learn about Oddball and Ulric and the revolutions they led when there's so much more interesting creatures going on, like dragons and hippogriffs! I even saw Buckbeak, which was a right sight to handle. She was so pretty and I really had to hold back the urge to go and hug her when I first saw her. Thankfully, Harry held me before I could run up to her, telling me that we had to bow down and she had to bow back before we could approach her, muttering something about ending up like Malfoy but worse.

Hermione taught me about Potions and History of Magic, which was pretty much what I expected. At every turn she'd question me and I'd have to act dumb (even though I knew the answer). Fred and George had to step in and take her away before she -pardon me- lost her shit and hexed me. Ron went to check up on her and it must have worked wonders because after that intervention, she was calmer than normal. Nevertheless, she was a pretty fantastic teacher because she'd taught me so much more than Lolita did and pretty soon we were having civil conversations and heated discussions on the various potion ingredients and I'm pretty sure I saw a quick smile before she hid it, though that twinkle was still there.

Thank you Ron, I owe you.

Ginny and Sirius tag teamed on teaching me Transfiguration and Herbology, with Ron being the puppet most of the time. Transfiguration was easily the easiest out of the two, with wand movements coming easily for me. I was using Walburga's old wand, graciously lent by her (though she still wasn't aware on who my father really was, Sirius warning me against it.)

It surprised the both of them (and others in the room) when I'd successfully transformed the rat into a teapot on the first try, Ron looking at Hermione before smirking slightly.

"Well, looks like she's got the aptitude for Transfiguration alright." Sirius smiled, tears quickly filling in his eyes. "Maria was good too." He quickly wiped his eyes with the handkerchief suddenly handed to him by Remus, muttering about allergies. It was good to see Ginny slightly fuming, though I've got to find out what was her problem with me really is. I just arrived some days ago, bloody hell!

Harry and Remus taught me DADA, which was easily the most interesting subject I'd learned that evening. It was mind numbingly exhausting but the feeling of getting something right was unmatched in here. Although, the encouraging smile after every correct spell that Harry gave might have motivated me just a bit.

Okay, a lot.

From what I'd figured out, Lolita was bloody amazing at Transfiguration and Charms (which Sirius had said that we'd tackle tomorrow) and also quite good at Defense and Potions (the latter easily being my best subject, Sirius had groaned at that)

Hermione had also hinted at electives, which made me quite interested but also made me moan internally. There was so many things to do and yet there always seemed to be more! I was definitely leaning towards Care of Magical Creatures (definitely not influenced by Buckbeak) and not at all interested in Divination and Muggle Studies. The boys had tried their level best to persuade me over to Divination, saying it was the easiest class they'd have but I wasn't moved. Predicting the future, absolutely not.

Lolita described it as wooly and full of shit and honestly, I agreed with her. I definitely did not want to do it.

After dinner, Sirius and I headed over to his room on the fourth floor which unsurprisingly was filled with maroon, red and gold decor. There were quite a few poster of motorcycles and Charo and Gretchen Corbett, which made me raise my eyebrows in surprise. There were so many pictures of quite a few people in Hogwarts robes and I found a poster of David Bowie as well.

"This is just.. wow." I looked around and sat on the bed, Sirius joining in with an album. "What's that?"

"It's some of my memories." He quietly remarked, running a hand over the cover. "I always wanted to add your baby pictures to this album as well, you know." He broke off. "I'd never thought I'd miss fifteen years of my daughter's life."

"Well, I brought an album too." I said, putting my hand over his. "It contains muggle photos but it's me." I looked at him. "I'm sorry to have not met you before, you know? I just know we'd have been two peas in a pod but I'm glad I got to meet you now. You're honestly not the biological dad I'd ever thought I'd have." I laughed, tears slowly filling in.

"What sort of dad did you think you'd have?" He said, pulling me into a hug.

"I don't know." I sniffled. "A sort of a mean one. But you've exceeded my expectations, dad."

"Baby, I'm here now."

(21/04/2021 - well, after reading the absolute bullshit of a chapter I'd written six years ago if it was me I'd have quit reading the book right then and there. Boy aren't I glad there's still people liking this story. I'm so glad that new readers would never get to read the absolute cringe test that was this plot and old readers, if you're re-reading this I'm so sorry for making you read that fuckup. All treatments for any aneurysms occurred by reading this chapter I'll happily pay for it.
It's the absolute least I can do.

Ending this with this cringe I'd typed a long time ago, this just made me snort
VOTE and most importantly
READ and LIKE - (I mean, why wouldn't you read, come on 15 year old me, grow the fuck up)

Please stay safe, protect yourself and your loved ones and the most beautiful thing is the only thing you've got to do is wear a mask!

Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now