Chapter 7

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Wearing a wig and an outfit similar to the one Astrid wore every day, Mr. Turnblad approached the entrance to the film studio. As expected, officers immediately went after him. Turning him around, the officers soon realized that this was not the person they were looking for. As the officers spoke to Velma Von Tussle, two of Seaweed's friend pulled Mr. Turnblad inside the building. After thinking that Astrid was already inside, the officers tried to open the doors, only to find that they couldn't, because Inez and her friends used chairs to block off the doors. Picking up the giant hairspray can, they used it to forcefully open the doors. As the officers left the room, Astrid opened the door to the small compartment inside the can. Leaping out, she ran for backstage. She climbed the ladder and stood on the Miss Teenage Hairspray throne just as Corny Collins was announcing the winner. With a puff of smoke from a fog machine, the throne began to lower. That was chaotic turn of events, but it allowed Astrid to make the dramatic entrance she desired.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am," Here, Corny Collins hesitated. "Privileged to announce that this year's Miss Teenage Hairspray is-" Corny was cut off by a voice in the back of the room.

"About to get out-danced!" It was Astrid, dressed in a beautiful black-and-white dress. Turning to face the back, Link's face broke into a wide, excited smile as the music began. Walking forward, the girl began to approach an outraged Amber. Smirking, Astrid triumphantly began to sing:

"You can't stop an avalanche,

As it races down the hill,

You can try to stop the seasons, girl,

But you know you never will.

And you can try stop my dancing feet,

But I just cannot stand still!

'Cuz the world keeps spinning round and round,

And my heart's keeping time to the speed of sound,

I was lost 'till I heard the drums,

Then I found my way~." At this point, Link had already recognized the song, and he prepared to jump in. As he moved, Amber tried to keep him with her. He looked her dead in the eye and told her to stop before running out to dance with the girl he had fallen for.

"You can't stop the beat!

Ever since this old world began,

A woman found out if she shook it she could shake up a man,

And so I'm gonna shake and shimmy it the best that I can today~.

'Cuz you can't stop the motion of the ocean,

Or the sun in the sky!

You can wonder if you wanna but I'll never ask why!

And if you try to hold me down,

I'm gonna spit in your eye and say~,

That you can't stop the beat!" The duo paused their dancing and singing, and stared at each other for a moment before Link snapped out of his daze, and ran to get little Inez. They danced together for a bit, before Link let her have her own solo. Corny and some of the other Council members looked like they were enjoying the little dance party Astrid had started. Amber huffed and sat down on the throne, which was then pulled up by some of Seaweed's friends. Seaweed himself began to go out to the dance floor. Behind him, Penny began to sing.

"You can't stop a river as it rushes to the sea.

You can try to stop the hands of time,

But you know it just can't be!

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