"Hey! Quit that!" I pouted, giving them my best glare to show my irritation. "Aren't you guys happily married? Especially you, Ami-chan!"

"I am ..." Ami-chan squeaked out with a blush.

"I'm sure that Yuuichirou wouldn't mind that ... Then again ..." Rei-chan thought out loud, visibly paling after remembering how her husband was.

"I do love Motoki with all my heart. And I have something special planned for him later on this week too, " she squeaked, turning even redder as she averted her eyes to everything else in Minako-chan's bedroom.

Minako-chan scoffed, "I'm engaged, not married. And Yaten-kun knows that he's the only one for me. Especially with how I -."

"Ok, ok! I don't need to hear about you guys' very active sex lives! Sheesh!" I squealed, covering my face with my hands.

"Hey, you need our expertise since you're the only one out of the whole group who hasn't experienced the great ah, " Minako-chan shot back at me while trying to take another swig of wine, but found it empty. A scowl spread across her face after she tried to pour some more into her glass, only to find that it was empty as well.

"You guys already gave me advice on that years ago, though, " I protested with a whine, hoping and praying that they'd drop it already.

Unfortunately, my prayers went unanswered as Minako-chan continued her monologue from earlier, "No way! You need this after you fell asleep on Seiya-san! Poor thing is on tour right now with literal blue balls, probably looking for some kind of relief with hot model!"

"Minako-chan!" called Ami-chan, eyes bulging from her head at the audacity of Minako-chan to suggest something like that about Seiya after all that he and I -.

Then again ...

Narrowing my eyes, I sprang up to my feet. "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" I hollered, ready to fight any hussy willing to throw herself at my Seiya.

A smirk spread across my craziest friend's face as she purred, "Oh, but surely he is with a super hot model who probably has more breasts than you! How can he resist that? Especially if she were to press herself against him like this ..." She tended to press herself against Mako-chan while eyeing her suggestively.

No way that he'd ...

"But hey, who can blame him?" she teased, moving away from Mako-chan, "You did fall asleep on him just as you guys were about to have sex, and you haven't even contacted him since he went on tour 4 weeks ago!"

I frowned, "Hey, it's because I trust him. I know that he wouldn't betray me in any way, even if he were offered a harem of supermodels!"

"Oh, but, Usagi-chan, even a man like Seiya-san has his limits. Who knows how badly he feels nowadays from how you guys haven't done it to its entirety. He could be seeking comfort right now as we speak for all we know."

She does have a point! Ugh! I hate that about her sometimes!

Rolling my eyes with a reluctant sigh, I replied, "Fine, I see what you mean. I've gotta step it up, especially with what happened the morning after I fell asleep on him."

Everyone's eyebrows raised at that. Curiosity was barely concealed on each of their faces as they all basically screamed at me, "What did you do?!"

My hands found their way back to my burning cheeks as I sputtered out, "Umm well, I felt very bad for passing out on him that I decided to surprise him that morning with a ... umm ..."

"Use your words, Usagi!" hissed Rei-chan, who I graciously flipped off before continuing my story.

"A blowjob, so I had climbed on top of him and was giving him one until it sort of turned into us 69ing when ... umm ..."

"What?! What?!" screeched Minako-chan, nearly sitting on my lap now.

"I ended up ... throwinguponhim ..."

"Did what?" they all said, blinking in unison.

I took a deep breath and tried again, "I said that I ended up throwing up on him!"

All of their eyes bulged out from their heads. Their jaws dropped to the ground as they stared at me as if I were an alien. Then chaos soon ensued when they all started hollering at the top of their lungs.

"How do you throw up on Seiya-san?!"

"How could you do that to him?!"

"Now he's definitely probably going to leave you!"

"Poor Seiya-san!"

They continued to squeal and screech a lot more incoherent things regarding my revelation and Seiya for a few more minutes before Minako-chan cut in with a loud yell.

"THAT'S IT! IT'S TIME TO IMPLEMENT THE PLAN!" bellowed Minako-chan with a shake of her fist. A look of determination now on her face.

Gasps from the rest of the girls echoed throughout the room.

"Are you sure about that?" squeaked Ami-chan, her eyes bulging.

Rei-chan added nervously, "Yeah, it's too risky! She's not ready for something like that!"

Mako-chan nodded in silent agreement. Her green eyes unnaturally nervous as her nibbled away at her bottom lip.

Minako-chan gave them all a look that had all of them taken aback. "Yes, I am sure! She needs to do it and she needs to do it very soon! she turned her attention onto me with a fiery look in her eye. Usagi-chan, are you ready for what I have in store for you?"

I eyed her nervously and said, "It depends on what it is, Minako-chan. Is it going to get me in trouble?"

With a shake of her head, she responded with a giggle, "Nope, no trouble at all but you have to follow all the steps of Operation: G.Y.M.A.G.W."

I blinked up at her. My mind whirling as I processed exactly what she said.

Operation: G.Y.M.A.G.W? What is that?

"What the hell is that?" I finally managed out, still trying to wrap my head around what exactly she's trying to drag me in to this time.

Her smirk became wider as she started her siren's song, "Well, Operation G.Y.M.A.G.W. is nothing more than ..."

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