Haley couldn't lie. Part of her was sad that Andy had got fired, yes. It was his dream to become a realtor. A bigger part of her, however, was happy that he got fired, she was happy that he was back.

After recently breaking up with Rainer, and also being faced with the fact that Dylan got married, she needed someone like Andy back in her life.

She couldn't lie, she thought about him a lot, even after all this time. When Rainer proposed to her, one of her first thoughts was of Andy.

Back in the car, Alex, Luke, Claire and Phil all had their eyes on Haley and Andy.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Phil whispered, leaning his head over to Claire.

"It's none of our business, Phil. If she wants to tell us, then she can."

Phil then started bouncing up and down in his seat hyperactivity, "But I want to know!"

"Haley is an adult, she doesn't have to tell her mom and dad everything," Claire stated. She then waited for a moment, before continuing, "We can blackmail her into telling us."

"You two are unbelievably," Alex rolled her eyes, interrupting in their conversation, "What ever happened to privacy?"

*Claire and Phil on sofa*

"I one hundred percent wanted to find out what was going on with Haley. I care about my daughter's love life," Claire smiled.

"No," Phil interrupted her, "You just care that she doesn't get back together with Dylan. He was great for Haley."

"No, Phil, no he wasn't," Claire protested, looking into the camera with annoyance building up in her eyes, "Dylan was pathetic. Thankfully, though, he is married now, so we don't have to worry about him. I still have no idea how he found a wife..."

"The marriage won't last. I know Dylan well. Me and him go way back, we're like best buds. I know what he wants in life - Haley."

Claire just rolled her eyes, then buried her head in her left hand, while she kept her right hand propped on her knees.

"What's wrong with Andy, Phil?" Claire lifted her head back up and looked Phil straight in the eyes, "He's perfect for Haley, plus, you taught him how to be a realtor, just like you."

Phil slowly nodded, "Andy is great. Haley can have both."

"No, Phil! We want to prevent Haley from turning into me, remember?"

Phil placed his hand upon Claire's shoulder, "No, you're wonderful."

Claire shook her head out of annoyance, whilst avoiding eye contact with Phil, "You just don't get it," she mumbled under her breath, so it would be a challenge for Phil to hear.

*Back to present moment*

Both Haley and Andy were standing in silence now. Normally, a conversation would naturally spring amongst them, but at this moment in time, awkwardness filled the air.

"Uh, so, I don't mean to pry or sound like a stalker; I saw this on Facebook, but how are things with Rainer?" Andy finally broke the silence.

"He proposed to me," Haley spilled.

At this exact moment, Andy's heart felt like it had been ripped out and stabbed with a knife twenty times over. He was sad when he saw the change of her status saying they were together, but he never thought it would reach the extremes of marriage, especially with him being considerably older than Haley.

"Oh, well, congratul-" he tried to congratulate her out of kindness and respect, even though every part of his body hated the idea of him proposing to her. However, before he could even finish his sentence, Haley cut him off.

"-I turned him down."

Andy froze. He didn't know how to react. Inside his stomach was doing summersaults out of happiness, but he didn't want to express these feelings out loud - Haley was probably still hurting.

"Hey, we're having this party round my grandpa's to celebrate Luke and Manny's graduation. Would you like to come?"

"Oh, I don't want to come uninvited," Andy stated. Obviously he wanted to go, spending more time with Haley would be excellent, but he wanted to wanted to play it subtly.

"You use to be Joe's manny, they love you," Haley chuckled, nudging him playfully.

Andy smiled at the small bit of physical contact, "Okay, I'll come, if you're sure they'll be okay with it."

"Of course they will, Silly," Haley laughed again, before dragging Andy over to the Dunphy car by his arm, "Andy is coming over tonight. Is there any room in the car?"

Luke grumbled and rolled his eyes, "Sure, make my special day all about you."

Claire ignored Luke's comment and just put her focus back on Haley, "No, Honey, if you want Andy round, then you'll have to walk back to Grandpa's."

*Haley on sofa*

"Of course, I was thrilled to see Andy again. And, walking home with him meant that we could catch up. But it's a five mile walk from the school to Grandpa's house. FIVE MILES! However, for Andy, I can put up with that."

*Back to present moment*

Haley and Andy both walked in silence in the direction of Jay's house. Occasionally, one of them would look in the direction of the other, and they'd make eye contact for a second, but it was always quickly broken.

"So," Andy finally broke the silence and started a conversation, "Are you and Rainer still together or did the proposal rejection break you up?"

Haley smiled at Andy's question. The fact that he asked (in her brain) meant that he was curious if she was single, because he may still like her, "You're really not being subtle, you know that, right?"

"Is that a 'no you're not still together'?"

"Yes, Dummy," Haley laughed, "Shouldn't you know that anyway, since you stalk my Facebook page?"

"Hey!" Andy quickly rose up his forefinger in a defensive manner, "I don't stalk your page, Haley."

Haley just laughed at Andy's reaction, "So, are you currently single?" she then followed up, her voice turning a little nervous.

"You heard me when you first came over to me, right? I'm still in love with you."

Haley couldn't help, but let a large smile overtake her face. "I'm sure my grandpa won't mind if we don't show up. How do you feel about going out somewhere tonight?"

"Haley Dunphy," Andy spoke formally, "I would love that."

Haley laughed at Andy's obscure way for saying 'yes'. Andy was one of a kind, and that's what she loved about him. She then took hold of his hand and pulled him across a fairly empty road. On the other side of the road was a bar/restaurant.

*Haley on sofa*

"But then again, who really wants to walk 5 miles?"



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