You watched the blood web, you were given a toolbox, it was very rustic and it had a brown token on it. 

You took it with a nod; the grip on the handle tensed when your eyes closed once more. The wave of electricity when you moved back to the real world. 

Once you woke back to the world, Nea only laid a few meters away from you. She was soundly asleep. 

Excitement filled the air, you crawled to her body. She twitch, her eyes opening. Nea noticed you hovering over and kicked. 

You groaned holding your stomach. "That's for letting me die!" The rebel shouted, scrambling to her feet. 

Jake grabbed the rebel's arm pulling her away from you. "I cannot believe you attacked her." He murmured under his breath. 

You coughed, "S-Sorry, I h-had to make a-a decision." Claudette helped you to your feet, your arm wrapped around her.

Laurie sat up crisscrossed, watching for her entertainment.  Your eyes locked with blue eyes, of an angry teen.

"Shut up bitch." Nea snapped, trying to come closer. You went to apologize but Dwight interrupted, "Guys we have a bigger problem." 

You turned on your heels to see Dwight chosen in the light. You sighed watching the circle form around you.

This time no one got to choose who plays and who doesn't. Jake was another "lucky" survivor to join in the match. 

Claudette gasped slightly as the light formed aorund her. You nodded accepting your fate, even though you'd like some rest.

Your eyes forcefully shut , your body drifting off. This time your awakening was lone-some. No one around to be seen.

A black mass revealed your dear friend Claudette and Jake. You watched in amazement as Dwight came to view. 'Was that the entity?" You questioned to yourself. 

"I'm ready, you guys?" Claudette gripped tightly on her arm. She was nervous going back there; to her death. 

"Yep." Dwight placed his hand on his hand on her shoulder. Jake nodded, glancing at you; which you smirked and mumbled, "Hell yeah." 

All eyes were shut and the feeling of being drifted was back. You tried to pry your eyes open, but to no avail it didn't work; you woke up in the map.

You were inside a building, stairs to your left, the metal railing very rustic. The floor pattered torn up and random black splotches. It reeked of a mixture of blood, chemicals and burnt wood. 

The building was broken, as you walked up the stairs it creaked. Lots of pallet laid around for your advantage. 

Many rooms off to the side, very small, it appeared as once people were held captive there. In the main middle room, lots of medicine scattered everywhere, a gen off to the side. 

You got to work, trying to piece together where you where. Screams echoed throughout the map, a soft swoosh afterwards. 

Your heartbeat grew louder, you walked into a hole in the floor, losing balance. A creature teleported in front of you. 

You screamed in agony as her bone-saw smacked into your skin. You ran throwing down a pallet; taking this time to get a look at her.

She wore a long dress, it was white with a white banner around her waist. Her skin was pure white; snow white. A bag tied aorund her head; causing the woman to gasp for air and moan.

She was levitating slightly above the ground, her head hung low. She appeared as a Nurse creature.

The Nurse killer clenched up her hand, and soon she teleported in front of you, swinging her weapon. 

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