"We wore her out last night."

"Yeah, good" Kristen giggled.

"Yep, you got some decent sleep."

"Almost 8 hours, so needed."

Finishing up the bath, Kristen wrapped Eliana up in the towel when Rob handed her over to her.

"So I have a question for you," Rob started as they both went into the bedroom so Kristen could get Eliana dressed

Kristen turned and looked at him as she laid the baby on their bed.

"What do you think of letting your mother watch the baby tonight and you and I go out?"


"I know you're not too keen on this Kris and I knew you wouldn't be. But it will be alright, you know your mom would call you if you are desperately needed."

"I know, I trust her. I'm just not ready to be away from our baby..."

"I know sweetheart, I get it. Listen, it's just for a couple hours and you can pump your milk for her."

"I-i guess." She looked down at her daughter who was squirming on the bed waiting for mommy to dress her. "I guess we could, it will be good for us."

"do you want to call your mom or do you want too?"

"I will...."


That night


Kristen was standing in the bathroom, dressed in a cocktail dress doing her makeup. She was nervous about tonight, how could she not be? this was going to be her first time away from Eliana ever and as much as she loved the idea of alone time with Rob, she didn't think she was ready to leave her baby girl so soon. She had expressed her milk earlier so she could go out. He came into the bathroom as she was finishing up her makeup

(just imagine Kristen in this LOL! and a little bigger considering she still has baby weight)

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(just imagine Kristen in this LOL! and a little bigger considering she still has baby weight)

"You look gorgeous" he breathed

"Thank you! This is the most dressed I have been in a while. Gotta admit, it kind of does feel nice."

"Your mom should be here any minute, why don't you go say goodbye to our daughter?"

"Okay," Kristen made her way into their bedroom and over to Eliana who was sleeping

"Hello, baby girl" Kristen whispered as she picked Eliana up. "Mommy will be back in a few hours alright? Don't give grandma too much trouble" Kristen giggled. She closed her eyes As she pressed her lips to Eliana's forehead. "I love you baby girl." She whispered.

She heard the doorbell and saw Robert come out of the bathroom, heading downstairs. She sighed and headed down too.

"Hi mom" Kristen greeted when she hit the bottom step

What I never knew I always wanted (Robsten story) -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now