Chapter 2

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Tamar pov

I was worried about Jasmine. Ever since she left she has been on my mind. I dont know why but its something about her thats makes me want to help her.

I just came back from shopping and I opened the hotel room door and I heard someone sniffing.

"Vince is that you?" I asked as I sat my bags down.

I walked in and seen a girl sitting on the couch with her hands over her face. I dont know how I automatically knew who it was.


She lifted her head. Her eyes were full of pain. They were puffy and red as well.

"Whats wrong?"

"Everything is wrong." she said.

"Tell me."

"Im fine. I need to get home." she said.

"You aren't leaving until you tell me what happened."

We sat in silence before she handed me her phone. I read the messages from Pam and David. I guess they are her parents. They were sending her death threats and I was not pleased with it. I forwarded the messages to my number.

"Are these people your parents?"


"You stole from them?"

"They stole from me and I took back what was mine."

"What did they take?"

"They stole 2,000 dollars from me. I've been saving every penny I ever had for 5 years."

"I'll give you the money." I said.

"I cant take that. They should be the one's to give it back but they cant because they smoked up all my money."

I'm guessing her parents are drug addicts. She shouldn't be around that type of stuff.

"Do they abuse you?" I asked

"They are the definion of a nightmare."

"You're staying here tonight and dont try to say you arent because you are. Are you hungry?"

"Vince just went to get me something."

"So thats how you got in here."

"Yeah. I was down stairs because I heard gun shots and ran in here. I was sitting in the lobby for about 30 minutes Then he came and brought me up here."

"Ok. Go take a shower and when you are done he should be back." she got up with her bag and went to the bathroom.

About 10 minutes later Vince came back. He walked in and sat the food down.

"Did you talk to Jasmine?" he asked.

"Yeah. Can you believe her parents stole 2000 dollars from her. She has been saving that money since she was 10 years old and they took it and brought drugs with it. Then they started sending death threats to her phone."


"Yes. They threatened to kill her if she didnt bring their money back."

"She stole from them?"

"After they stole from her."

"Wow. We need to help her."

"There isn't much we can do because she doesnt talk much. It took me a good ten minutes to get her to tell me what happened. I can see why she has trust issues. Her parents are the worse. Why would they steal from theor child?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I dont know."

Then she walked out the bathroom. She sat down next to me.

"Jasmine we want to help you but you have to tell us everything. I know you dont know us and you dont trust us but in order for us to help you we need to know about your situation." Vince said.

She looked down and hung her head down low. I heard her sniffing so I rubbed her back. She flinched a little.

"I wont hurt you."

She nodded head and wiped her tears away.

"My parents are drug addicts and alcohol abusers. They abuse me for no a parent and they... They did something to my sister."

"You have a sister?"

"Had a sister. They killed her when she was 2. I was 10 and I witnessed the whole thing. And it happened 2 weeks before my 11th birthday."

"What?" I said.

"I witnessed my parents kill my sister and I have to live with that for the rest of my life." she finally broke down and cried. I rubbed her back. Vince walked out the room and slammed the door.

"Im going to get you out of there. You shouldnt be going through that. You shouldnt have seen that and they shouldnt have did that. You didnt try to tell someone?"

"No they threatened to do the same to me if I told anyone."

"What else did they do?"

"Anything you could possibly think of. They stuck me with needles and made me take pills. I barely go to school but some how I'm right grade though. When ever I go I manage to be one of the smartest kids in my class. I dont have friends because the friends I did have turned on me when things got really bad."

"Its ok. You dint have to keep talking about it. Eat your food and get ready for bed. Tonorrow we are going to the police station."

She did what I said. I walked outside and sat on the balcony. Why would someone do this to such a nice kid? She doesnt deserve this. I picked up my phone and called Trina.

"Hey Tamar."

"Hey." I said.

"Whats up?"

"A lot is up Trina. I met this girl today at the recreation center I was speaking at and she is going through to much. She's only 15 years old and she has witnessed a murder and who knows what else. She has been stuck with needles and forcefully given pills. And her parents are on drugs and they are alcoholics. They stole 2000 dollars from her and bought drugs with it. Then they started sending death threats to her phone because she stole money from them after they stole from her."

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious Trina. She is in my hotel room now. I couldnt let her go back there knowing all of this. She has trust issues and doesnt open up to people. Im going to help her. I dont know how but I'm helping her."

"Where are you?"


"Do you think that you might have to adopt her?"

"It came across my mind. If thats what I have to do then I have to do it."

"Let me know how everything went. Im praying for her too."

"Thanks." we hung up and I heard the door open. I turned around and it was Vince.

"Hey. Are you ok?" I asked.

"Im fine. Im just upset over this. Where is she?" he asked. I frowned a little.

"She was in there. I stepped out to call my sister. She was sitting down eating when I left."

"She's not in there now."

I got up and walked in the room.

"Jasmine!" I yelled. No answer. I looked around the room and she wasnt there. Her bag was there but her phone wasnt.

"Did she leave?" I said to myzelf.

"Where do you think she would go?" he asked.

"I dont know Vince. We need to find her."

I hope she didnt go back to that house. We walked down to the car and drove around town looking for her.

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