Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:

Harry's POV

"Niall is going to be here any minute!" I shout to Taylor as she runs around the house fixing herself up as well as cleaning.

"I know! The party is going to start soon," She groans.

"Don't over work yourself," I say with concern.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me," She huffs.

"I know. Sorry I am just nervous," I shake my head and close my eyes with this statement.

"I can't believe it's my twenty fifth birthday," She sighs.

"I know. Time has flown by. It seems like we just got married," I mention.

"I know it's been three years and four months. Time flies," She says giving me a small smirk.

Then the door bell rings before I can say anything else. I walk over to the door and Taylor follows right behind. I open it to reveal Niall and Isabelle. Isabelle immediately hugs Taylor. I greet Niall and take their jackets as they go to sit down.

"Taylor you must have so much to do! Let Niall and I help you get ready for the party. You need to relax," Isabelle offers.

"It's fine! You're just like Harry," She pouts.

"Really, you're going to argue?' Niall asks raising his eyebrow.

"Fine! But you're only helping! I can do most of it by myself," She whines.

"well we better hurry because everyone is going to be arriving soon," Isabelle scolds and they all get up off of the couch.

"what about me? Am I not invited to help?' I question as they all walk into the kitchen.

"Just sit there and look pretty, sweetheart," Taylor cooes and I pout.

I then decide to go and walk upstairs to our nursery and make sure it was presentable to our guest when they come and see what we have done with the place. Taylor and I only thought it was appropriate to settle down and have a child because I had just gotten a promotion in my managing position. She had wanted a baby since the moment we had graduated college but I told her to wait until we atleast got decent jobs and our own place.

Right now we live in a decent size home. Three bedrooms and a spectacular view from our back patio. I told my mother that I didn't want financial help when it came to our home and our family. She was hurt at first but then she realized that her baby boy was all grown up now. I sigh and think about my child and what kind of father I was going to be.

Taylor was due in two months and I was at a panic. What if I was a horrible father? what if I messed this kid up when it came to teaching him all the things he needed to know when becoming a man. My son was going to have a good mother, so I suppose it wouldn't be too bad.

"Harry! Can you get that?" Taylor yells when the doorbell sounds again.

"Yeah," I reply and jog down the stairs to open to door.

I greet my mother, Robin, and Gemma when they all walk in. Gemma hugs me tight first and then my mother plants a kiss onto my cheek.

"Where is my grandson?" My mum chirps.

"Taylor is in the kitchen with Niall and Isabelle," I tell her and she and Robin then proceed to walk past Gemma and I.

"How are you Gemms?" I ask her as she looks up at me.

"Doing good brother! I met a boy," She chimes.

"A boy?" I say getting defensive.

"yeah! He's super nice," She gushes.

"That's great Gemma. Do you guys feel the same about eachother?" I ask her.

"We told eachother that we liked eachother but nothing is official," She says with a small smile.

"Well tell him that he's very lucky and if he hurts you that your big brother Harry will have to have a talk with him," I warn and she rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. Just because you have tattoos and piercing doesn't mean you're scary," She replies.

I lightly laugh and then she sticks her tongue out at me. I mimic her and then she jogs off into the kitchen to probably tell Taylor about the boys she met. I chuckle once more to myself when I hear the doorbell go off again. I compose myself and then open it. Liam and Tiffany are standing there.

"Welcome,' I greet.

"Hows it going?" Liam asks as I take his coat and Tiffany's.

"Nervous,' I say after clearing my throat.

"Tends to come with fatherhood. But I wouldn't know," Liam teases.

"Where's the beautiful mother to be?' Tiffany asks as her eyes scan the room behind me.

"In the-" I begin but I am cut off by Taylor waddling into the room. 

"You made it!" she cooes as she hugs Liam then Tiffany. 

"Yeah. We were going to carpool with Lola but she was with her knew boo so they'll be a little late," Tif explains. 

"That's great! So what's knew with you?" Taylor asks as I place my hand in the small of her back. 

"well Liam and I have something to tell you," Tiffany announces looking up at him.

"we're getting married!" Liam adds.

"Congrats!" I say and Taylor hugs each of them again.

"I'm so happy!" Taylor says and tears began to well in her eyes. I kiss her on the forehead and she snuggles into my body.

"Dinner!" My mum calls from the other room.

I nod for Liam and Tiffany to go. They do and Taylor turns to face me.

"I love you and you'll be a wonderful father," She announces.

"I love you and thank you. You'll be wonderful too," I reply.

She pecks my lips slightly and then we go and join the rest of our friends and family in the other room.

I hope forever will be this perfect.

Well that's it for 'The Way I Loved You' the end! I hope you guys liked this chapter and the overall story. Sorry I haven't been on, I just needed a break and writing was so unappealing because of ACT prep. My brain is literally fried. Plus I have actually been being social in the real world so I haven't had much time to write. Well thank you so much for reading this story! It means a lot to me and I am happy that everyone who comments and votes have stayed by my side. Love you all!!! IDK when chapter one of Ashes will be up. It could range from tonight until Monday or even Wednesday, I'm sorry I haven't been up to writing! :( Well just stay on the look out and I will try my very bestest to update as soon as I can!

PS Bangerz tour was amazing! If you haven't seen Miley Cyrus live I recommend it.

The Way I Loved You- Haylor AUWhere stories live. Discover now