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Dom's pov:  hot damn jc do you see that girl over there!
Jc: wait where?
Me: over there *points to right*
Jc:*whistles* daaaaym she hot bro go talk to her
Me: are you kidding me JC?  As soon as she looks at me she will roll her eyes and walk away.
Jc: ill give you 100 dollars if she walks away bro. 
*i sigh heavily as i walk over to her and turn red*
Me: *clears throat* excuse me?  Miss. 
*girl turns around*
Girl: hi *smiles*
*my insides twist and i giggle and make a fool of myself*
Girl: you okay? 
Me: uh uh yeah I'm alright  I'm just surprised you talked to me. 
Girl: well you are cute.  So why wouldn't i talk to you?  I mean who wouldn't.
*holds out hand for her to shake*
Me: I'm dom
Girl : *shakes my hand* hi dom.  Im lexi.
Me: hi Lexi. 
*she smiles&clears her throat*
lexi: you letting  go?
*im still holding her hand & i look down at our hands& i pull away slowly* me: sorry i just felt a spark
Lexi:oh ya?
*i nod & blush*
Lexi: oh my.  *giggles& she grabs  my phone from my pocket & enters her number& snapchat* hit me up any time. I put my number and snapchat in there. 
*puts phone back in my pocket& wraps her finger around the loop on my pants& tugs a little & walks away*
Me: bye *quietly & i turn around& my jaw drops * jc! Did you see what she did before she left!!
Jc:ya bro that looked intense. *giggles* dominic deangelis blushed like a little 2nd grader!
Me: oh shut up jc.

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