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Got tag by.... Nekokami_Sayu!Let's get started!

1.One thing you can't leave the house without?

-I dont actually bring some important stuffs when I'm going out except when they needed so I guess nothing in particular?XD

2.Favorite Make-up brand?

-...I don't wear make up except if there is some special occasion or you need to be formal so I don't know lol

3.Favorite Flowers?

-nothing actually😂but Let's just put Chrysanthemum and Rose

4.Favorite Clothing Stores?


5.Favorite Perfume?

-anything that has sweet scent XD

6.Heels or Flats?


7.Do you get good grades?

-...well,If having an average of 94 is good,then I guess...yes?

8.Favorite Color?

-Pink,Violet,Black, Any shades of Blue and Pastel Colors!

9.Energy drinks?

-I don't know 😕

10.Do you drink juice?


11.Do you like swimming?

-yes...but I'm still learning lol

12.Do you eat fries with fork?

-nope!😌 never did that

13.Favorite Moisturizer?

-uhh...anything that works?XD

14.Do you want to get married on the future?

-Depends 😕

15.Do you get mad easily?

-sometimes...it depends on the subject or situation☺

16.Are you into ghost hunting?


17.any phobias?

-I don't know😕 I guess fear of big changes?

18.Do you bite your nails?


19.Near death Experience?

-yeah....I think more than 10?and most of them are about me almost getting hit by a vehicle lol

20.Do you drink coffee?


Now,tagging time!











I just tag randomly so you don't have to do it if you want to!XD

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