Both swaragini were laughing in their room after their fight

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"I don't know her"

"ok don't tell I'll send this photo to karan bhai I am sure he'll tell me but then don't question why did I tell to all family" laksh said taking out his phone

"Wait don't u dare to u anything like that" sanskar said snatching the phone from him

"ok then tell"

"ok ummmmm"

"bhai plsz tell"laksh screamed

"ok I knew ragini from before" sanskar said

"that I also know how tell me" laksh demanded

"ok I met her first in our school"sanskar said

"how u both were in different schools" laksh intruppted

"let me say"

"ok when I was 9th as u know I was send to boarding school for my higher studies one year later the school organised an international feast where all major schools of country were invited to participate even ragini's school was one their we met for first time" laksh interrupted

"means later also u met"

"laksh" sanskar glared

"ok I am sorry plsz continue"

"if u interfere this time na I'll not say anything" sanskar warned

"fine I promise I won't say anything u plsz continue" laksh said innocently

FB shows

Ragini and her team reached shimla they were going to take part in football ragini was captain of her team

They reached their the competition was next day so ragini and her friends decided to roam around she and her friends left they were in market roaming and laughing

Even sanskar and his friends had come as karan(one of their friend) was giving ice cream teart

They went to ice cream parlour sanskar and his friends were also their they were sitting in group

"yaar where is this karan" one of their friends asked

"ha he went to bring ice cream or prepare it" om said

"bhukaad" all friends said at a time om pouted all laughed at him

"u wait I'll go and check" saying sanskar left and he saw karan flirting with some girls

He pulled him

"yaar what u did" karan complained

"idiot u went to bring ice cream or flirt with them"

"Actually I went to get ice cream but that girl" he said saying bye to of the girl

Sanskar hitted karan's forehead


"come u brought us here for ice ceram treat" he said pulling karan

Ragini and all were friends were about to leave ragini remembered that she left her clutch their she went in to pick it and rest of her friends left ragini picked her clutch while moving our sanskar who was talking to karan and holding ice cream dashed with ragini as result her whole dress was spoiled

"what the hell" she screamed

"I am sorry miss" sanskar said apologetically

"what sorry will my dress get like before" she yelled

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