Shail desai is her best friend have many friends she along with her group that has jimmy ,Edward, shail, naira, john, Steven and many but they are her best buddies she loves to talk and make friends

Swara gadodia:25 year old beautiful smart chubby girl loves her family and sister a lot she a fashion desgnier has her own fashion house a very famous and popular designer has her own brand SR she had very well established herself in fashion world daughter of shekar and janki

Shekar gadodia: father of swaragini loves his daughter a lot has his own business wants ragini to take over it but she wants to prove herself that she herself alone can achieve her goals without familes name shekar has a huge business

Janki gadodia: mother of swaragini wife of shekar loves her childrens a lot especially swara she had a bit more love for her she feels that ragini can fight for her rights but swara always needs some one's moral support by her side

End of intro

Secenes shift to san Francisco

Ragini is in her office eating sandwithch and doing her work she is sitting crossing her legs on chair and working on PC her friends are giving her unbelievable look

She sees Edward glaring at her, her mouth is full with sandwich

"Edward if u want to eat go then it get from canteen and get one for me too" she says

"ur are impossible ragini see urself once in mirror" Edward says

"what's wrong with me" she asks cutely

"we are mad na so only we see u in night suit clumsy hair tied in a bun and sauces dripping from ur mouth na"jimmy says

Edward and laughs steven comes in with some files

"I am not understanding why u want to finish this work so soon we have lot of time and this deal u are giving us head ache" she complains

"sorry for that dudes but swara is getting engaged day after tomorrow and I need to be their on time I can't miss it" she says

"its ok may be we could also attend" jimmy says

"what do u mean by that we all are going it would be like holidays we'll have lots of fun" ragini says

"its not possible dude we can't come with u today"steven says

"ok but u guess can attend marriage na" ragini says

"yeah we'll try" jimmy says

Shail enters in

"here are ur tickets" he says handing over a envelop to her

"thank u shail I love u yaar u are my best buddy" she says giving a flying kiss to him

"ahh stop buttering me u r going leaving me so bad of u"shail says cutely

"oye drama queen u guess are acting as if I'll get married and not return" she says

"we all would be very happy if u get married we'll get rid of u na but ur poor husband to save him we are ready to get tortured by u for some more years" steven says dramatically all laugh ragini playfully hits him

"said very true bro" shail hifi's him

"ok guys I need to go miss u all love u " ragini says

"ragini wait"shail calls

" I knew shail u are best buddy u'll stop me"ragini says cleaning her fake tears

"oye drama I have no interest to stop u" ragini huffs at him "will u go like this in night wears if u are going plsz don't go then they'll think as if a mad girl ran from mental asylum" he says and rest laugh

"ha if u come along with me It'll look like beautiful mad with monkey" all laughs holding their stomach

"guy's stop ,true I'll miss u da" all have a group hug and ragini leaves for india

At india

Swara is waiting for some one in restaraunt she huffs seeing time "oh god where is this man people says girls make boys wait for date but here this man is making me wait let him come I'll not leave him" she says to herself some one comes and closed her eyes she touches those hands

"laksh where were u, u know from what long time I am waiting for u" she says pulling him front

"oh god swara its just 15mintues" laksh says sitting on chair

"just 15minutes u know how much its I don't understand how u became such a big business men without valuing time" she says angrily and turns her face

Laksh pulls her cheeks

"oh my angry bird u look so cute in anger" he says swara gets more irritated

"ugh.......... I don't understand do u and ragini love to irritate me"she says

"may be I am very eager to meet my shali shahiba(sister in law)" he says in dreamy tone

"u were never so eager to meet me also" swara complains he pulls her in a side hug

"ahh u are my would be gharwali so I can meet and see u when ever I want but ur sister after hearing description from u about her I am eager to meet her" "after all she's my addi gharwali" saying he winks at her swara playfully hits him from elbow he laughs seeing her expression

"oh god I am wondering what will happen to me already ma baba are in ur team and ragini she's master of all no one is their in my team to support me why god" she says dramatically

"ahh bacha don't worry soon a angle will come for ur rescue" laksh say acting like baba giving ahsirwad to her

Swara joins her hand

"who is that laksy baba ji" swara asks cutely

"offcourse ur would be brother in law and ur friend of good time and my bad luck of some times" swara laughs at his comment

Laksh too joins her both have some quality time tighter

Percap: maheswari's......................... intro

Guess plsz comment based on ur comments I'll think to continue or not plsz give me ur opinion and pairs are swalak and ragsan plsz comment.............................

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