Each of them rape mommy, sometimes multiple men at one time. Her screams mingle with my sobs until finally they all have had their fill. Then, the bad man mercilessly slits her throat like he did with daddy, but this time deeper since mommy stops moving quicker than he did.

I stare at mommy and daddy, hoping to see one of them move, to come to me and pick me up, telling me that it'll be alright.

But it doesn't happen. And it never will again.

I finally can't help it. I scream loudly, letting it ring sharply through the stained red room. The men look around, trying to find the sound when finally one of them points over to me.

For a moment,I'm completely frozen as the scary man walks over to me. Right before he gets to the hidden room, I get a hold on myself and start crawling away. But, the small door opens and I feel a huge hand wrap around my ankle, yanking back and out of the tunnel. I try to scurry away, but the man turns me onto my back to face him.

My eyes meet with sinister green ones as the scary man smirks slowly.

"We were wondering where the little Phantomhive girl was. Looks like we have a way to get more money after all, men!" The other bad men cheer merrily. The scary guy turns back to me, stroking my hair, bouncing my springy ringlets. "Such a pretty little slut. You have no idea how much people will pay to ravish you. You're going to make us rich, little whore." I whimper at the mean names he throws at me, still struggling to get away.

Suddenly, I feel a fist collide with my face, and everything goes dark.

I shoot up in bed, gasping for air. I shakily push my hair out of my face as cold air bites at my exposed, sweaty skin. Closing my eyes, I wipe the tears on my cheeks away.

I haven't had that nightmare in so long...

I sigh and shake my head, silently stepping out of bed. I patter over to my bag that Edward left in here for me and take out some lacy black undergarments, along with some black tights and a plain red, loose wife beater.

I go into the bathroom only to find a tub without a shower. I sigh but close and lock the door behind me and turn on only the hot water. As I let the bathtub fill with steaming water, I take off all my gross, damp clothes. I take a long look at my naked self with distaste. Don't get me wrong, I have an amazing body. Much better than most twelve year olds. My tummy is flat, which is the normal. But where most girls my age have no shape, I have a curvy, hourglass figure. Where most girls are skin and bones, I am toned with only a little fat to bring me my shape. And where as most twelve year old girls have no chest what so ever, I have rather large C 36 cup breasts.

All of that, along with my heart shaped face, silky black ringlets and large blue eyes, framed with long and thick black lashes, it makes me look sexy and beautiful. I know that I am. It would be considered a blessing, and I've been told so multiple times. But my soft and feminine body is what caused me to go through hell.

I scowl at the mirror and turn away abruptly. I see that the tub is full so I turn off the water. I flinch as I step into the steaming hot water, my skin turning red where it touches. But I revel in the hot pain, letting it soak into my bones.

After relaxing for a few minutes, I grab a sponge and bottles of incense that the room is stocked with. I look at my choices and debate between using the rose, strawberry, or peach. I stare at them a moment before choosing both the strawberry and peach, deciding to simply use them both.

I lather the scents into my skin and let them soak into my skin. Keeping the incenses on for a while, I slowly shave until I can't feel a hair on my body with the exception of on my head.

Rinsing the oils off, I'm left smelling like the two fruits. I wash my hair with only my conditioner, so that the oil stays in to make my hair go into it's natural ringlet curls.

I unplug the drain and let the water shrink as I step out of the tub. I towel off and then change into my clean clothes, putting the old ones into the clothes basket. I clean my cut on my arm, which looks a little worse than I thought it was. I suppose it'll leave a scar. I shrug at this and then wrap the healing wound with gauze.

I leave the bathroom and walk into the hall. Looking around, I marvel in how much more elegant the manor looks now than it isn't under Howard's care. I run my fingers against the wall as I walk down stairs, towards the kitchen. I switch on the lights and step in, shivering a little when my feet go from the cold wood floor to freezing marble. I walk silently to the fridge tall and reach up to grab an apple. I mange to get it and then step back, only to come into contact with a hard, warm body. I stumble away, turning quickly to the person I bumped into, to find Sebastian looking at me with raised eyebrows.

I gain my composure once more as I close the fridge door and lean against the counter. I look at the demon as I bite into my juicy apple.

"It's rather early in the morning for you to be awake, Lady Clarissa." His silky voice turns mocking when he adds, "Little children need their sleep."

I shoot him a glare before replying. "I didn't want to fall back asleep, so I got up."

"Oh? And why did you not want to go back to sleep, Lady Clarissa?"

"First, don't call me Lady Clarissa. It's JUST Claire." I say with a pointed look. "Also, my reasoning for not wanting to sleep is none of your concern."

Sebastian chuckles, sending goosebumps down my arms. He steps closer, making me want to step away, though I don't. He's right in front of me now, looking down at my face in amusement. I curse my short stature at times like this

"Did you have a bad dream, maybe?"

My eyes narrow up at him as I take another slow bite from my apple. "All dreams are bad, demon."

His eyes turn curious as he tilts his head to the side a tad, revealing a pale and smooth neck that I'd love to bite. "Why do you say that?"

"Because. Dreams are either memories, or things that could happen. You can't control your dreams. And I like having control. So they're bad."

Sebastian chuckles again and leans down closer to me, then whispers in my ear as my breath hitches at his close proximity. "Such a little thing. Yet you act to mature. You even look mature." His hands travel to my hips, yanking me close to him. I want to moan at his touch as it alone sends heat to my core, but I resist the absurd urge.

"I wonder if you feel mature also." His large hands make their way up and to my breasts, cupping them and squeezing them firmly. Again, I almost moan from the pain mixed with pleasure from his hands. Somehow, I hold the sound in and instead shoved him away. I hide the lust in my eyes that would match his heated look.

"I suppose you'll have to continue wondering, you bitch of a demon.", I say harshly, hoping that the insult would get the hungry look out of his eyes; which it does.

Now he looks at me with annoyance, then smirks as he speaks smugly. "You are going to have to change your clothes."

"Excuse me?? I will not!"

Sebastian smiles, showing his fangs a little. "Yes, you will. You see, no one else can know that you're from a different time. And those clothes are a dead give away to that. You'll have to wear a dress. I will see if Mey-Rin can find anything that will fit you."

My cheeks heat up with my anger, hating that I can't argue with his logic.

"Fine. Send her to my room as soon as possible."

"Will you be coming down for breakfast afterwards, Lady Clarissa?" I glare at him even more when he uses my full name.

I reply sharply as I turn towards the kitchen door, holding up my apple. "This is my breakfast, idiot." I don't give the demon enough time to respond as I stalk out of the kitchen and to my room to await this Mey-Rin chick.

The Phantomhive Heiress (Sebastian Michaelis love story)Where stories live. Discover now