"What the hell are we doing here?", I ask, finally fed up with his unexplained actions of taking me to somewhere that is unimportant.

"We're waiting, Little Mistress."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my rather large chest. "And what are we waiting for?"

Edward grins and points over to my left. "Him."

I look over to the side to see a man with bright red hair paired with toxic green eyes walking to us. Well, I believe the person is a man. He looks rather feminine in some ways.

When the stranger reaches us, Edward waves at him and speaks perkily. "Good afternoon, Grell."

When the person speaks, I can tell that he's totally into guys. It explains why I was confused as to what gender he was I suppose. He practically eye rapes Edward as he talks in what I guess is supposed to be in a way that sounds sexy. "My darling. I could never refuse you."

I raise my eyebrow at Edward, but he completely ignores my look. Instead, he replies to Grell with amusement.

"This is my cashing in a favor that you owed me. Nothing more."

Grell pouts like a child and stomps his foot to show his displeasure. "Fine, darling. Are you sure you want to go there though? Its going to be rather difficult for a human child such as her to keep up with."

My eyes narrow on the red head, not happy that she is talking about me in such way.

"My Mistress will do just fine. And yes, I want it at the time and place I told you earlier. And before you ask, Little Mistress, I still won't tell you what we're discussing. You're very close to finding out anyway." I glower at him.

"Just hurry it up."

He chuckles faintly. "As you wish."Edward looks at Grell and nods. " Do it now."

Grell shrugs and walks to a large tree. He mutters something quickly, then motions for us to go over to him. With Edward leading the way, we walk to Grell to find a peculiar sight, to me at least.

The tree looks to have been sliced open, and inside the cut is a large manor in the pouring rain. I can't get a good look at it, because just then Edward pushes me through, quickly following me.

I feel as if I'm falling into ice, then I notice the rain droplets hurling themselves onto my shivering body. Sitting up slowly, I flinch when a shot of pain spikes up from my arm. Looking down, I see a long and deep gash along my entire forearm.

"Little Mistress, what are you loo-oh shit." I look up quickly to find Edward standing in front of me, staring at the slice on my arm. I glare at him and speak tightly from the pain.

"I don't care if you're a demon. I'm going to fucking kill you for pushing me. Now, where the hell are we?"

Edward helps me up gently, then picks me up into his arms. The son of a bitch ignores my question, speaking to himself instead. "I need to hurry to the manor to get that cleaned up. Damn..." Sighing, he looks down at me. "Little Mistress, please hold onto me."

Edward doesn't give me the chance to react, he simply runs full speed God only knows where. I don't believe I would have replied anyway. I'm starting to feel woozy. No doubt from the fucking cut on my arm. Edward will need a talking to about pushing people through weird trees.

In what seems like seconds, we're in front of the manor I saw in the tree. After a moment, I realize that I've been here before. Many times.

Ed knocks on the door firmly, not caring about the rain pelting him as the storm around us carries on. Seconds later the door opens, revealing the sexiest man on God's green earth.

The Phantomhive Heiress (Sebastian Michaelis love story)Where stories live. Discover now