Chapter One: A Friendly Manner

Start from the beginning

Ed had been the first Harry had told he was gay, outside of his family, and Ed had welcomed him with open arms, making Harry confident enough to tell his other friends and, eventually, the whole school. He had taken quite a few bad comments, but now he was proud, and accepted wholy. The whole college thing scared him though. What if people weren't as accepting here? Harry was used to overall acceptance, with the few against him being ignored or quitened by teachers, who had taken a liking to Harry. Ed had been there the first time Harry had informed a girl he was gay, when she was flirting with him, and Harry barely heard the end of it. When Harry thought about it, he should connect with Ed again, having not seen him in a while.

As Harry debated calling Ed, two figures burst through the door, kissing, or well, snogging viciously. The bodies crashed slightly into a wall, landing on the opposite bed to Harry, who guessed at least one of these figures was 'Zayn', his roomate. The figures seemed to both be male, which kinda ruled out any fears of Harrys roomate being homophobic. One seemed to have a darker skin, and hair, his fingers tangled in his partners chocolate brown,short, quiffy style. The second had his arms wrapped around the first's waist, grabbing it intimately, and Harry decided he should probably speak up. He coughed quietly, and they pulled apart. The second one looked guilty, blush littered across his cheeks, puppy eyes standing out along with the scruff on his chin. He was undoubtedly attractive, as was the first boy. The first, on the other hand, simply smirked at the second, amber eyes showing a slight lust and longing for the boy that was undoubtedly younger than him, if only by a few months.

''Well..urm..Hi?'' Harry awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He had never really seen anyone else get intimate, and he seldom did it himself. Much less when a roomate could have seen. Especially since he'd only ever shared a room with Gemma or Ed, who would never shut up about it if he did such a thing.''I'm Harry, I'm guessing one of you is Zayn-And hopefully the other his boyfriend, not a random hookup, because that would be awkward for me and you and everyone and really I wouldn't appreciate constant random hookups, not that you can't do that--You do that, I mean, go get some, just-Not while I'm here, and-Shit, I'm rambling, fuck this is awkward.'' He ran a hand through his hair, keeping his eyes on the rips in the knees of his jeans rather than the couple that were surely looking at him like he was crazy by now.

''I'm Zayn, and this is Liam, my boyfriend.'' The tanned boy introduced himself, or at least Harry discovered when a tan hand was grabbing his, shaking it. He seemed to have a possessive growl at the word 'boyfriend', making Harry wonder if he had perhaps offended either with his small rant. He probably had. First day and he's already ignored a tip in his sisters stupid book. ''Hate to be rude but-uh, wheres Danny?'' Harrys head snapped up at that, eyebrows furrowing. He hadn't heard of any Danny.

''I don't know a Danny, sorry.''He apologised. Zayn looked confused, and Liam looked kind of lost now that Zayn was away from him. Harry thought it was adorable, how Liam seemed to be so doting on Zayn, seemed to adore Zayn completely, and, in a way, that mistified Harry, and he was tempted to take a picture. He started fidgetting, as he did often when he saw things he wanted to document but was unable to. He knew it would be awkward, but his hands still wandered to his camera, playing with the strap, and he looked over, before blurting. ''I don't mean to seem rude, but could I possibly take a picture?'' He questioned, blushing immediately. Zayn looked even more confused at this, and Liam seemed to disregard it as not important to him. Harrys eyes flickered to where Liam looked around helplessly, not knowing what to do. He didn't realise he had taken a picture until he had, and looking over it he grinned. It captured exactly what Harry wanted it to.

''Did you just take a picture of my boyfriend?'' Zayn growled, snatching the camera from Harry, and Harry whined. Why couldn't people ever understand? It was a cute token of how much Liam counted on Zayn, not a perverted image for Harry to wank over. Harry lazily reached up to take it back, before opting to explain.

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