this generation

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I just realized this generation is DOOMED. I mean like think about it this way hoverboards.              ( R.I.P ) were created and if it hadn't died as a trend people would be using it to walk their dogs     Therefore not getting exercise I'm not old enough to say " back in my day " it pisses me off when people say that but like do you see a lot of kids playing outside naw, cause 2 year olds got phones their tiny little fragile hands can't carry I'm sorry but no just ju- no and I am kind of being a hypocrite ( but I ain't 2 )cause I'm on my device writing this shiz for whoever sees it and yes I said shiz because some idiot 7 year old will be reading books like these and then starts cursing and then their over protective mom is going to send me an email and I will respond with why is your 7 year old on here like last time I checked 7 year olds couldn't make and memorize a email and password ( if you are a 7 year old who can do this everyone lets take a moment to slow clap for this young child ) and they momma be yelling and flagging this and I just ain't trying to deal with a pissed off momma. With that being said goodbye fellow watters!

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