Chapter 3

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"Get out of bed. Chloe. Get out of bed." my mom says through the door.

"Okay,okay I am!" I say angrily. Wait why do I need to get out of bed? Is something wrong? I think as I look at my clock that's already set up in my room to my liking. I don't even bother asking I look into my closet and throw on a pair of my old shorts. I look in my new body sized mirror look at myself unsurely up and down. "Ya no" I say to myself and quickly take them off reassuring that I don't put them back on leaving the house looking like a beluga whale. "Aahhh" looking at some of my skinny jeans and an old tee that says lucky charms on it. Cake some makeup on to cover up my ugliness, throw on my ripped converse and run run down the never ending stairs.

I find myself sitting in my mom's car waiting on mom and Sam. "Hey are you ready Chloe?" why would she even ask that I'm clearly sitting in the front seat with my seatbelt on not in my pajamas I'm obviously ready. But before I can answer her she hops into the car happily and starts the car. At least I know that there's no change in her personality she's still frantic, she's still an embarrassing mom, and she still asks questions that she knows. Yup same old mom, different state, different house, and no friends. While were leaving the neighborhood I see that there is literally nobody at all who lives in my neighborhood. I'm so used to just being able to run next door and see my best friend Megan whenever I wanted to.

She pulls up into the Kohl's parking lot. "Wait why are we here?" I ask in a worried voice.

"To get you some summer clothes, of course! You know just a little mother daughter bonding time!"

Oh no! What if somebody that goes to my school is here? Knowing my mom she will make an embarrassment out of me before I even know the persons name. Just stay under the radar Chloe you got this we will probably only be here for a good 30 minutes anyways I think to myself. I try to get as far away from my mom as I can before she can do anything to embarrass me. To the skinny jeans I go. "Where are you going Chloe don't you need some shorts?"

Did she really just ask that can't she see by just looking at me why I went to the skinny jeans rack. "I don't look good in shorts. Mom. You should know this." I say in a voice suggesting that I don't put myself near the shorts. She have me a look then said "Do you want fro-yo after this or what?" No wonder I'm fat.

"Fine." I say as I think about the flavor of the chocolate frozen yogurt (I couldn't resist it). Wow the shorts are actually really cute while I'm she arching through them anxiously like a kid in a treasure chest, I drop like five pairs of shorts off of the rack. "Shit" I whisper as my mom is in the shoe section.

"I've got this, I can't stand whenever this happens to me." A nice blonde haired girl said as she quickly jumped down to help me gather up the shorts and hangers, she looks about my age.

"So what's your name?"

"Oh! Jenn what about you?" as she stands up with my shorts.


"What school are you going to? I go to Westmild highschool."

"Oh really? That's so ironic so am I!"

"Oh here are your shorts. What's your number? We should hangout sometime!"

"Oh thanks and ya that would be fun!" so as I spelled out my number to her while she out it in her phone and realized wow I actually made a friend not to mention that school hasn't even started yet.

"Bye!" Jenn says happily "See ya later!"

"Bye!" once I leave the shorts rack I run up to my mom like a kid and start saying "Mom, I'm hungry can we go? I can't some shorts."

"Have you even tried them on?"

"Ya." I lied I'm just so hungry lets just hope that they fit. The check out lady is ringing us up so slowly we places to be and people see lady lets go hurry up. By the time that the cashier finished I was worried that Menchies wouldn't be open any more. I run through the street and into the parking lot me and mom get into the car and I start to sing "Come on we can do it I no it let's get to it!" from Dora and start remembering all of my childhood days. When we get to Menchies I speed walk to the frozen yogurt flavors and put an amount of chocolate fro-yo that you would think I would share with a family. You know what whatever.

I get to the cash register and notice sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair. "Hey!" he says "Welcome to Menchies! Wow!"

"What?" why was he saying wow at me I look behind me and turn back around then he starts to make eye contact.

"Oh nothing much what's your name?" he says.

"Ummm Chloe why?"

"Because I want to ask you out on a date. So is that a yes to going to see divergent on Friday?"


"Wow I just sounded really creepy and weird, but just give me a chance and I will prove that I'm not as creepy as I seam."

"I just moved here so is this a normal thing that people do here?"

"Not really."

"Bye then!"

My mom was in the corner reading magazines. By the time that we got home I had finished all of my frozen yogurt by then. I hear a ring on the door bell and get a small peak at who has just entered my house "Hi I live next door and just wanted to introduce my self my name is Ainsley."

Ainsley is talking to my mom like she's a little kid who does she think she is I think to myself.

"Hey I see you up there what's your name little girl?"


She reaches her hand up suggesting that she can't reach me because I'm upstairs and I should come downstairs. I slowly and slightly walk down the stairs "Oh there you are!" she shakes my hands and says "Wow your just so cute what grade are you in?"

"I'm going into tenth grade, what about you?"

She looks at me in disgust and disappointment "Oh. Same here. This will be fun I guess." as she checks me from top to bottom with a frown. Did she really think that I was younger I'm normal height at least thats what my doctor says. "I have someone to set you up with I think you will find interest in him." Ainsley says in excitement.

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