Chapter: 1

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My Mother died........

"but she didn't just die, she was killed. and i knew it was on purpose yet i couldn't understand what was really happening.

rather than letting her live on, i hid her, myself from being noticeable.

my mothers appearance would lead to my death, but, i still blame my self, because people wouldn't just risk there lives for me, what was i?

if only i could find my mothers killer..... then maybe i could............

I was on my way to school. i never really liked being driven to school now that i think of it. I walked. I was the same person,i always wore baggy pants, A large shirt and my large book bag. I also had a stack of books i was ready to return to the library. i was the average scholarship student, or rather a rare one.

I reluctantly entered into the hall-way to see groups of people talking by corners of the wall. I went to my locker and placed the stacks of books in. The class bell now ringing

"Ms. Ben's, your late!" The professor watched as I entered the room.

I bowed and never said a word. what excuses were there. i wouldn't lye for such a stale reason

"Just remember not to come late again,or I'll have to take you out of my class. Take a seat."

as i attempted to take a seat i felt my self quickly collide with the grown, tripping on a feet again I heard laughing all around me and i slowly got up keeping my face covered with my hair.

"That's enough student's" the Professor slammed the stalks of books on the table.

"I wonder what ugly image is under that hair" I heard Maria called out from a distance.

It was about an hour now and the class bell had just rang. lunch....... if only the day could go faster.

At lunch time there was never a seat reserved for me. It was normal to sit in the bathroom to eat, after all it is the only place i could stay to be Alone.

i ended faster than i expected .

It was a disaster like it always was. I thought of being invisible so no one would no my pain and loneliness. I walked back home trying to keep my stamina. It was a long walk, but I was use to it cause it was what I would do to get to where I want rather than being more noticeable.


i got home looking threw the mail, i was bit relieved to find one just for me. i enterd the house. what does my dad have to say now. i thought laying on the couch

Dear, Yuka

Hows school? I everything going the way you want? Well guess what ill be coming to meet you soon.

Remember it takes hard work and Responsibility to become what you desire. Don't forget that. I believe you can make it through, if you put all your hard work and determination into it.

Remember your able to Accomplish anything.

Love, Dad

PS. I meet your uncle Clark. He says "Hey" his son grew up to be a very handsome gentle men. Well TTYS.

Inside the envelope had a note.

"What do you think of the necklace" it stated.

"I love it" I whispered, putting the necklace on.

"How was school" I heard Carl ask, i felt my heart jump a bit, from being starteled

"It was OK" I replied to him, gazing at the note. "Carl?".

"Yes Miss" he answered politely

"you should reallytry calling me by my name you know, after all we live in the same home" I placed the note down watching what he would do next.

"I'm afraid not. That would be disrespect to your father" he said. Carl was my childhood friend. He devoted his life to everything he did. He never played around. He was always focused on the task ahead of him. He was so mature even at a young age. It always scared me to talk my feelings to


"what do you think of my father, do you think he loves me." i freakishly questioned

"Yes, of course your father loves you." he answered "That's why he want to keep you safe.If you died he'll have no-one to love or be by his side. Your father cares about you way more than the number of people in this world."

I gazed at Carl who was still siting on the carpet.

"Your dismissed" I finally said walking up stairs. what a plain yet perfect guy

I went to my room and sat upon the bed, as memories flashed through my mind. I gazed at the large shell my mother gave me and gently closed my eyes and layed on my bed.

"Look, there's one over there" her mother called out from a distance.

"Where mother. Where!"Yuka said running towards the shell.

"Mother i found it, i found it" Yuka yelled.

"You found it." her mother said swinging her in the air.

"If you put the shell to your ears, you could hear the sound of the seas, and ocean breeze." her mother said to her softly, as her hair blow from the ocean breeze.

"Mother, i hear it." Yuka said quickly.

I got up from my bed and grabbed the shell, and placed it in my ears. if my mother was gone why couldn't the sound of the shell be gone to?

my mother wasn't here, but i had an urge to meet her.

i couldn't help but cry, my hands rubbing my face from making the tears stay visible.

Carl entered the room unexpectedly. Carl was a fair skinned and buff guy, he had blue eyes and perfect brown hair. A guy like him could get all the women in the world, but he never accepted that. Carl only cared about working for my father and keeping me safe. That's what i hated, Carl keeping me safe.

"Miss Bensmer your dinner is ready." Carl watched me, did he realize that i was crying?

"you don't always have to act so serious, at least say my name. there could be more than one misses out there, but im special."I said

Carl never said a word.

"Carl sit on my bed." I guestuerd him patting were he should take a seat

"I'm afra___" Before Carl could continue i had pulled him to my bed.

He was now on top of me i felt my self flush. Carl looked like he flushed to. I gazed into is eyes. We were so close to each other and it was the first time I've ever been this close to Carl.

"Im sorry" Carl quickly said, sitting up on my bed." your dinner?"

"I'm not hungry" i answered him.

"Do i have to make you eat" Carl said leaning towards me. He then touched my hands. I felt wormpt from his body transfer to mine.I felt myself flush again. His head was now touching mine, and we were now facing each other. His lips were close to mine are nosies touching and i felt myself freeze.

"Okay Carl ill eat." i then said answered, he makes me embarrassed

"I knew you were" he said as his expressing changed, and he was now smiling.

He moved a piece of my hair behind my ears

As he was about to leave i quickly Called his name. He turned around

"Could you s___" i stuttered for a sec. I didn't want to say, but i had to be tough."Your dismissed" i ended.

why was my life playing like a nightmare

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