Chapter two

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"Quit screaming you stupid girl. The people can hear you!" Ok I have had enough of this.

"Isn't that the point? I want people to hear me! And FYI I am NOT a wild animal!" I screamed. "You can't treat me like one."

"It's not like you have a choice."

"Oh yes I do." I said under my breath. I sprinted behind the kidnapper and went out the door. I just noticed that that was a stupid thing for me to do. I heard an ear splitting sound then felt the pain in my leg. I dropped to the floor in pain and the kidnapper dragged me back into the room. I have been shot! Why haven't I thought about the gun! It's like candy for the baby! Except it's not candy, and not a little cute baby. It is more like a big fat baby with a gun. How interesting.

"I told you. You don't have a choice."the kidnapper said. I tried getting back up before I heard yelling. It was the neighbors. I could tell that they were upset. I quickly got up and ran out to the other room before I could see the people that lived in this building surround the other kidnapper. I was out the door and started to run as fast as I could possibly go with my injured leg. I got into the woods and sat on a gigantic rock. I tore a piece of my t-shirt off and rapped my injured leg. Once I was done, I got my phone out to see if I could call my family. I tried to turn on my phone, but it was dead! I just continued walking through the woods. It seemed like forever before I found a restaurant and walked in.

The restaurant looked bright, colorful, and warm.

"Hello may I help you?" The waitress asked.

"Um yes. Do you guys have a phone I could use?"

"Sure we do. Who would you like to call?"

"Um I would like to call my parents."

"Ok. Will you please come with me?"

"Sure." I said as we walked back to the back. The phone was old but it still works. The waitress left so I could call my parents. But instead of calling my parents I called my best friend Liam.

"Hello?" I heard Liam's voice say. Liam sounded worried, relieved, and like music to my ears.

"Hey Liam!"I whispered into the phone.

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