
2 0 0

Books 1-3: The Age of the Skull, 0-329
Book 1: The Birth of Lothoriel, 0-100AS
Book 2: Glory to the Sendrals, 100-245AS
Book 3: The War of Thirty, 245-329AS

Books 4-5: The Age of the Leopard, 0-240
Book 1: Rebuilding Lothloriel, 0-123
Book 2: A Country Lost, 123-240

Books 6-8: The Age of the Mountain, 0-721
Book 6: The Origins of Empire, 0-141
Book 7: The Conquests of Vygus Myrith the Great, 141-198
Book 8: The Age of the Myrith Empire, 198-721

Book 9: The Age of the Dragon, 0-8
Book 9: The Return of Magic, and the War for Lothoriel, 0-8

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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