perfects v. misfits

Start from the beginning

I leaned against my bike and glared at him, my arms crossed. "I could say the same for you. Roe Shapeman, really?"

Ace chuckled, taking his helmet out of his bag (probably the only thing in there, might I add). "I see you've done some investigating."

My eyes didn't soften and I ignored his comment. With a sigh, Ace shrugged. "She's cute. And refreshingly nice."

My eyebrows furrowed and I felt my heart beat faster than usual. " like, like her?"

Ace looked at me weirdly, noticing my tenseness. "Of course not, she's a good person and all, but you know you're the only girl for me." He winked playfully and I slapped his hand away when he reached for my waist.

"Fuck you." I spat and sat on my bike.

Ace scoffed at my insult, "What're you on about?"

"Not like you care, I'm unimportant." I emphasized the last word and slid the visor of my helmet down.

Ace was the epitome of confusion as I began driving off. I was halfway through the parking lot when he shouted after me, "So you did come!"

I stuck up my middle finger for him to see but couldn't help the small smile that took over my lips.


I groaned when there was a familiar series of knocks on the door. Ace always used the same tune, two sharp knocks followed by an antagonizing slow one.

I groaned even louder when commercials stopped and Shameless started on again, like hell am I gonna miss knowing if Liam survives the drug overdose. Ace can find himself another way in. 

I happily eased back into the comforts of the couch I found in front of a house on Huckle street a few months back. The black leather was pretty ripped up and there was a bitten up leg but I fixed it up quite nicely, if I do say so myself. 

"You know, I try and do something nice, but you make it very hard." 

A yelp escapes me and I jump up defensively, only to see a very pleased Ace holding two large pizzas in one hand and a liter of sprite (our favorite) in the other. 

What can I say? Food's the way to my heart.

I scowl and punch his shoulder roughly. He wobbles and his cheeky grin wavers, but doesn't disappear. "Carrying precious cargo here!" 

I roll my eyes when he gestures to the food and take the boxes from him. "It better have pepperoni, bacon, and sausage."

"Chill, I know how much you love your meat." 

I make a face when he winks at me and plop down, ignoring his innuendo and opening a box. A smile creeps onto my face when I see my signature pizza and I look up to thank Ace, but find him already staring at me.

His grin was still there, except it was more happy than mischievous. Like his other one, it was directed towards me, only this time I sincerely enjoyed the feeling it radiated. 

"What?" He asked, as though he hadn't been looking first. 

"Nothing." I shook my head, thankful the concealer I'd put on earlier to cover the bruises also hid my blush. "Thank you." 

I dug in and, in two minutes flat, gobbled up three slices.

Like before, when I looked up, he was staring at me. This time, in slight worry. "When was the last time you ate since lunch yesterday?" 

"I ate last night." I excused, chugging down some sprite.

He smirked, but the concern he held was evident by the way his thick eyebrows furrowed, "Cocktails and dick isn't a full meal." 

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