Sofia Carson

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The story is usually going to be in Dove's point of view but I might add some Sofia Carson in, just for fun.
I'm in love with Dove Cameron. You might know me, or not but I work at Disney. Disney doesn't let us come out. Even though we aren't official in the people's eyes, we are in our eyes. I don't feel like her dirty little secret, not at all.
Well now I got some bad new that might crush her because it's already crushing me.

Once I got into my house after Dove dropped me off, I got a call. It was from my manager.
I answered and he said excitedly, "Adventures in Babysitting is going to be shot. Unfortunately it's going to be in Canada but you have nothing here for you. Your single." Now that stung.
"Okay. When do we leave?" I asked.
"Tomorrow at eight in the morning. Be ready." He told me. I thanked him and hung up. I laid on the bed, exhausted.

Flashback ends

Now I'm just sitting here thinking, "When am I supposed to tell Dove?" She can't come with me because people would get even more suspicious. She's already with me too much.
How could I be away from Dove so long anyway? It might take months to do the movie. Well might as well tell her now. But then again she was so happy. God, this is so confusing.
"I'll go to her house." I say as I grab my keys and go to my car.
As I was driving in my car I was feeling so bad. I was going to be the one to ruin her mood.
I get to her driveway and I park. Then get out of my car. I breath and then exhale, I was ready to tell her. I knock on the door hoping she is awake.
"Coming!"She yelled on the other side of the door. I was ready, I am ready. Okay honestly I'm not. Then Dove opened up the door.
"Sofia what are you doing here?" She asks me surprised but with a huge smile.
I look at her sadly and then say, "We need to talk.'"
"Come on in." she tells me noticing that it was urgent.
I sit down on the couch with her. No one's talking.
Then Dove breaks the silence and asks, "Are you breaking up with me because most people say, 'We need to talk' when they want out of a relationship." She looks worried and hurt.
I shake my head fast and say, "No, never. Its about something else." I sigh and then get ready. She doesn't look hurt anymore. Just hopeful. This is crushing me on the inside. That I would be the one​ to crush her hope. I had to tell her.
"I have to leave." I say to her. She looks at me even more worried and confused.
"What do you mean?" Dove asks me. I sigh again and look away from her.
"I'm going to Canada tomorrow morning." I finally say after a lot of internal struggling. Then I look at her and regret it. Dove looks so hurt, all I want to do is take away her pain. Make her smile again, but it knew I couldn't. I was going to have to leave no matter what.

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