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Hey guys, welcome to the chapter that will be talking about the prizes to be won in this contest.

Remember I said there will be six levels, well;

🍕   The first level will consist of all writers that enter for the contest.

🍕   The first batch of winners will then be chosen to go into the next level; level 2, they will consist of twenty winners. Each winner will receive a shout out in some very well known books and a follow from the host.

🍕   The second batch of winners will be chosen into level 3, they will consist of fifteen winners. They will each get a shout out, follow from the host and an emerald sticker.

🍕   The third batch of winners will be chosen into level 4, they will consist of ten winners. They will each receive a shout out, follow from the host and a bronze sticker.

🍕   The fourth batch of winners will be chosen into level 5, here they will consist of five winners. They will each receive a shout out, follow from the host , and a diamond sticker.

🍕    Finally, the last batch of winners will be chosen into level 6, they will consist of three winners. Each winner will receive a shout out, follow from the host and a silver sticker.

🍕   Out of the last batch of winners, the last winner will be chosen, only one winner and he or she will receive the grand prize; A banner for the winning book and any other book of the winner's choice. In addition, he or she will also get a shout out,follow from the host (me) and a Gold sticker.

There will also be prizes like;

🌈    Principal Award; This prize will go to the book with the most reads.

🌈      Best Cover Award; This prize will go to the book with the best cover (obviously).

🌈    Best Description Award; This prize will go to the book with the best description or story line.

🌈   Chieftaincy title; This prize will go to the book with the most votes

These are the prizes to be won. The contest will start very soon, so those interested to fill in the form before the competition starts.

So that's it for now, any questions should be asked through private message.

Love, Layo😘 

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