Four years no See

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Four years later, when the Eldians finally took possession of their own lives into their hand from the Marleys. Centuries of oppression and hostility has finally ended. Eren managed to control his power as the "Shingeki no Kyojin" and "Co-ordinate" and have used them to the fullest. Hanji successfully converted Annie Leonhart, the one and only female titan into the Eldian camp, adding more power to their subjugation of the abominable Marleys. Although Marleys tried to defend themselves by turning ninety-percent of the Eldians that were trapped and brain-washed into unwise titans and let Zeke control them, but how could the beast titan be a match of the ancestral titan? The battle was cruel. Two half-brothers fight, ended as the elder one becomes delicious cuisine of the titans, devoured within a minute or two. Eren would never forget the sight of his half-brother's death. Zeke's dreadful eyes showed how he detested the result of this truculent battle, but Eren could not care more. Reiner, the Armored Titan was pinned down by all the other unwise titans ordered by Eren. He tried revolting, until the Co-ordinate had banned him from moving. The Co-ordinate's words were unbreakable laws to all titans, including the wise ones like Reiner. This was how the Eldians from the island won, relying on the power of the Ancestral Titan.

After the successful conquering, the government gave the order of eradicating all Marleys and all those Eldians that had betrayed their kingdom. Although the kind queen, Her Majesty Historia had tried to prevent unnecessary deaths of the innocent, but the will of her subjects were too strong. She could not calm their anger of the loss of their land and family members, however, she ordered her scouts to look out for this specific woman, the woman that she loved and too loved her to the very bit, Ymir.

"I want to see her NO MATTER WHAT. This is an order," said the queen. This was the first time she gave out a selfish order since she acceded.

It has been four years, almost half a decade since she last heard of the tall tanned girl, no, woman. "Yes your highness!" replied the her scouts.

2 Days later

"My Queen!" a voice of a messenger at the entrance of the palace where Historia and the other aristocrat talk about affairs.

Could it be news on Ymir? Thought the queen to herself. " Yes, please share what you have brought us." said the blonde woman.

"Lieutenant Levi said that they found Ymir-sama in a huge cave. She was chained up. Several wounds on her, she is currently receiving treatment at the headquarters in mainland. He too added, please come as soon as possible as Ymir-sama is... very... feeble..." announced the messenger nervously, as he knows how the queen cares for this "Ymir."

Her eyes widened as she heard the messenger say "very feeble", the atmosphere seems to have dropped to freezing point. Poor messenger still stood in a bowing position, sweat started to form on his forehead, he did not move as the queen did not tell him. Officer Pyxis noticed the abnormal in the queen's behavior, she would always be like this whenever Ymir is involved. He cleared his voice, and said, " Thank you, sir-what-ever-your-name-is, the queen appreciates your delivery of this message. Please do inform Lieutenant Levi that the Queen will go very soon. Now, you may return." Pyxis waved his hand at the guy, the gesture alerted him to get his ass out of there.

Historia realised her abnormal behavior and shot Pyxis the thank-you-for-helping eyes and gave a slight smile. Pyxis believes that there was a spell in that smile, it made him blush a little and he turned his head around due to how beautiful Historia's smiling face was. All other male officers, government officials and aristocrat too saw that spelled smile and blushed. They all thought ahhhh damn it! She is so beautiful! Does she have a crush!? That guy must be lucky! Oh wait, since she was so concerned about that "Ymir", maybe she has no interest in guys? Coming to that conclusion, some males seemed extremely disappointed, but some just does not give up and had the thought of introducing their sons or even themselves to the breath-taking face. Meanwhile, the queen that they all were thinking of is all concerned about the woman that is injured.

[Yumikuri] Ymir X Krista (Juicy Lemon)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu