Chapter 7: The Surprise

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Woohoo! im on a roll, but i shouldn't jinx it. New chapter of The Twinz!




Restless as ever, I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

So I climbed out of bed and grabbed Aaron's jacket off of my chair and continued outside. I forgot to give Aaron his jacket back yesterday and accidentally kept it on until I went to bed. That was when I realized I still had his jacket.

I quietly closed the front door, careful not to wake my brother. My mom still wasn't home yet, which wasn't right, she's usually home by now. I turned down the hidden path to the enclosed park.

The moonlight reflected off the surface of the pond and the crickets sang. Everything was so peaceful at night.

"You just keep popping up here, don't you?" came a voice from behind.

I held my breath and cautiously turned around to find Aaron standing in the shadows. The minute he stepped out of the shadows, my breath was gone.

He was wearing denim jeans and a grey T-shirt that hugged his strong arms. The moonlight illuminated his face and making each of his features more distinct, and his eyes stood out the most out of the rest of them.

I shook my head and looked at him and answered, "Well, I couldn't sleep, so..... you know the rest."

"Why can't you sleep?" he came over next to me and sat down, then patted the spot next to him.

I obeyed and settled down next to him, "My mom's not home yet and I'm a bit worried, she's usually home by 9."

Aaron raised an eyebrow and said, "Where could she be at 11 at night?"

I shrugged, to be honest I really don't know where my mom is. She's always home around 9 because of work, but never later.

"And why is she always coming home at 9?"

"My mom has to work overtime to keep me and my brother alive. It's been like that ever since my dad.....-" I was cut off by the tears that arrived in my eyes. This was so stupid of me to cry in front of Aaron, now he'll probably think I'm weak. I should've said I had to go and then cry at home where I could be alone, not in front of the most popular guy in school.

Aaron scooted closer to me and put his arms around me, and pulled me closer. Then he took one hand and brushed away the tears that were sliding down my cheeks.

I wanted to pull away because it wasn't right- I was pretty sure he had girlfriend- but I couldn't help feel safe in his arms. I know it sounds cheesy, but I never had anyone to protect me, no one to feel safe around.

And there I was with my head against the broad chiseled chest of the most notorious guy in school, who I just got to know less than 24 hours ago, crying and he was comforting me.

Once I calmed down, he spoke with a soft voice, "I see that you still have my sweatshirt."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to give it back." I started to take it off, but he stopped me.

"No it's okay, you keep it."

I looked up and gave him a quizzical look, but nodded and readjusted it on my shoulder. I'm still confused about why he's being so nice to me. I tried to think of the potential reasons, but only one came up and it was not possible: he likes me.

"Can I ask you something?" I questioned and I felt his head nod. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

I felt his body stiffened at my question, suddenly he stood up and changed the subject, "It's getting late you should get some sleep we have school tomorrow, but luckily tomorrow's Friday."

Then he stuck out a hand and helped me up. "Here, I'll walk you. It's not safe to be alone at night."

"Why? It seems pretty safe here, hidden from the public eye."

"It's just not."

And at that we left the park.

While we were walking, Aaron abruptly stopped, I continued a few steps before noticing what he was doing. I back tracked and stopped in front of him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking up at him. Even being 5"6 he was still a good 5 inch taller.

"Do you want to know the answer to your question before?" he questioned looking down right into my eyes. I nodded and then there he was, leaning in closer to me again.

I froze, could this really be my first kiss?

But then in the corner of my eye, I spotted red and blue lights flash down my street in front of a house not too far from mine.

"Something's happening." And not wasting anytime at all the both of us ran to the flashing lights.


Turns out the polices were in front of my house and Danny was talking to one of the officers. I walked up to them and asked, "What's going on?"

The answer made my entire world fall apart.

"Mom is in the hospital."

The Twinzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें