Chaper 2- "I Liked Being Stars!"

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Steven and Lars stared at each other, glad to not be alone out in space. They smiled and hugged, tears in their eyes. "Lars, I'm glad you're here. Here in space with me." Steven said with relief. "I'd feel so alone if no one else was here."

"If I were in your situation, I'd be glad to have someone here, too." Lars agreed.

"I've been in space like this before, but I had someone to talk to for a short bit. Another gem, but she tried to stab me."

"Really? That'd be scary!" Lars nervously laughed.

"It was, but I can trust you, since you don't have a weapon."

"Well, I have a pocket knife, but I'd only use it if absolutely necessary."

Steven and Lars laughed at their conversation. Lars finally asked about what fusion is. "Oh, it's a gem thing." Steven started. "It's when a gem and another gem merge their bodies to create a new person!"

"But I'm no gem! How come I can do it?" Lars said with confusion.

"Since I'm half human, half gem, I can fuse with both gems and humans."


"It is!" Steven chuckled.

Lars looked at his shoes and hesitated. "I-I want to say something, but i-it's a little, weird sounding, and I don't think you'd like it." Lars stuttered.

Steven raised a brow. "What is it? I won't tell anyone else."

"Oh gosh, I don't think I can say it..." Lars blushed and covered his face.

"Lars. Whatever it is, you can tell me." Steven put his hand on his friend's shoulder.

Lars looked up at the gem human hybrid. "Okay, but you won't like it..." Lars took a deep breath. "I... I liked being fused into Stars."

Steven's expression changed from a reassuring smile to being a worried and nervous frown. "Uh, Lars? This isn't like you."

"Steven, it was so cool a-and different! It was a new experience for me!" Lars said, a smile of anxiety and joy forming.

"Lars, can I tell you something?" Steven asked, nervous.

"What?" Lars wondered.

"I already like someone. I like my friend Connie. Please don't tell her, it'd just make our friendship awkward." Steven said.

"But, we can fuse again, right?" Lars wasn't worried about telling Connie that Steven had a crush on her, he just wanted to get a chance to fuse again.

"Only if we need to! Fusion can be made from love, like Garnet and Topaz, but they can be made from friendship, like Stevonnie. Fusion is a tactic that gems use to fight, or be helpful for things, but not just because!" Steven tried to get Lars to understand what he was talking about.

Lars looked at Steven with sadness. "But I thought we were friends?!"

"We are!"

"Then fuse with me, please!" Lars cried, tears forming in his eyes.

I Liked Being Stars (Steven x Lars)COMPLETEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt