Chapter 3

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Stage 1 part 2
"Oh, I'm so screwed," I whispered turning around. I turned around very slowly while keeping my gaze on the floor.

"Excuse me miss, but you're not supposed to be down here," a soft gentle voice said.

I looked up, it was a young girl. She has to be around 14-15 years old. "Hi, I didn't mean to come down here, but there was no water in my fridge, so I came down here to get some," I said in a hurry so I can leave.

"Well, if that was the case then all you had to do was press the button by the door or the one by your bed," she said in a whisper.

"Oh, alright, then thank you for letting me know," I said to her. All she did was nod her head, and left the kitchen. Ok, that was weird; I shook my head walking out of the kitchen, making my way down the hall, and back to my room. I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I looked right next to the light switch to see if there was a button. I wish I would have known about this button; before I went all the way down to the kitchen. I took my bottle of water and put on the nightstand. I removed the sheet from the side and got in bed. I didn't think much of anything. As soon as my head hit the pillow I knocked out.

Next morning....

(Rose's Dream)
"Noooo, I can't believe you would do something like this," I said sobbing! " So this what you have been doing all those nights, and the weeks you've been gone. "How could you do this, they're innocent, all they wanted was your love, you betrayer. You betrayed your family, your kingdom, your people, and most importantly you betrayed me! You're no prince you're a coward," I screamed at him with anger! I looked at him, but I couldn't see his face. He tried to come near me, and I took two steps back. "Stop," I told him, but he wasn't listening to me. I continued walking backwards until I hit a wall. Even though I couldn't make out his face I looked into his eyes. Those dark green, reddish eyes that will soon haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Don't leave me, Rose. Don't go, don't leave me here by myself," He said his eyes getting watery.

(Dream over)

"Miss Rose, please wake up," a soft voice said.

I looked up to see who it was. It's the girl from the kitchen. It looks like she noticed the confused look I had.

"Miss, you have to get ready the guards are here for you."

"What, why," I told her!

"I'm sorry, but I got orders not to tell you. Please, you have to get dressed," she said scared!

I looked at her and nodded my head. I didn't want to argue with her, cause she looked terrified. I removed the sheets and got out of bed. I grabbed my towel and headed for the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. As I was brushing my hair I couldn't help but think about my dream. It was so weird, I never dreamed a dream like it. Who was I talking to? And what did he do, and why was I so angry? I was interrupted when the maids walked in.

"Ma'am, the guards are waiting for you," she said staring at me.

"Ok, tell them I'll be there in a minute," I replied to her. I finished brushing my teeth and got dressed. I was going to wear jeans and a t-shirt, but one of the maids told that I wasn't allowed to wear this type of clothes outside my room. So she picked out red a dress with black stripes at the bottom and top. The dress was tight but not too tight, it went a little above my knee. I put my hair in a ponytail and wore red heels that the maid also picked out. As I was about to walk out the door a maid sprayed me with perfume. I looked at her and all she had was a smile on her face. I didn't say anything I just continued walking to the door. I opened the door, and I saw 4 guards waiting outside. One of the guards came up to me.

"Are you all ready ma'am," he said with a stern voice.

"Uh yes," I replied to him. "May I ask where are we going?"

"Well I got orders that all the competitors will need to take a mental and physical examination," he said.

"The papers never said anything about mental and physical examinations," I said looking at him.

"Look, ma'am, I don't want to start an argument if you're not willing corporate then you will be forced too," he replied back almost yelling.

Well someone has a stick up their..." ok," I said not finishing my sentence. I didn't want to ask any more questions I was afraid he might actually start yelling this time. I tried to keep up with the guards, but they walk too fast. We made it to the 1st chamber to get the other chambers of the palace there is a door that separates itself from the hallways. The door is in the middle on the right of the second hallway. One of the guards took out a key to unlock the door. During the first 2 stages, they keep the doors locked. I don't know why but we are not allowed roam around the palace. As I was walking I noticed I don't see the other girls. That's weird if this is a mandatory examination then why am I the only one doing it. I was gonna ask the guard a question until we walked into this beautiful living-room. Wow, this is truly amazing the color red and gold goes so beautifully together. The design on the wall really brings out the color gold. The chandelier in the middle is huge, but yet so elegant. I was in some much awe that I didn't even realize there was a line. Oh, maybe I'm not the only one taking this examination. Well, this is gonna take a while. About 20 minutes of waiting in line I finally reach the front I write my name, age, height, and weight down and gave it to the lady in the front of the desk. She smiled at me and I smiled back. I turned around and walked to a chair nearest to me. I sat down and grabbed a magazine. I was staring at the magazine but my mind was somewhere else. I couldn't help but start thinking about the dream I had. If the maid hadn't woke me up I would've seen who he was. Why did I feel so angry and betrayed by him? It's killing me not knowing who he is! I was so caught up in my own world that didn't even realize they called my name. I got out of my seat and headed toward the lady by the door. We went inside, and I followed her into room C6. All the rooms are in alphabetical order with numbers that go up to 10. The lady told me to take a seat until the doctor comes. After about 30 minutes the doctor finally walks in. He looked old but very fit, he looked at me and gave me a genuine smile. Pointing to the chair near me he gestured for me to sit down. I looked down at the chair and sat down. The doctor started talking about taking blood samples and seliva, plasma samples. He said that they need to make sure that we are healthy and fit to be in the competetion. After I gave them the samples; another doctor comes in, but this time it was a female. She told me in stern voice that it is time for a physical examination. She gave me a paper type material robe, and told me to put it on. I put on the robe and laid down on the bed. The doctor checks my breast for lumps, she also check my breathing, my back, my kneels, and my vagina. It took her about 15 mintues to finish the exmination. She turned her head to me and said that I am very healthy and that I passed.

"You did great, in about 5 mintues Dr. Shawn will come and give you your VHP, VPT, and your HTP shots."

"Shots", I said confused!

"Yes, it is mandatory for you to get these shots in order to stay in the competition", she explained to me while setting up the syringe.

I looked at the syringe, and my knees went weak. I really don't like needles, I never have. As she was inserting the needle I look away, afraid if I look I'll faint!

 As she was inserting the needle I look away, afraid if I look I'll faint!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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