Chapter 3

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Astrid's Point of View

"HICCUP!!!" we all yell as we see Hiccup suddenly coughing and falling from the saddle. I see Toothless struggling to fly and giving out a scared cry. 

"Snotlout, grab Toothless. NOW!" I yell. I see Snotlout and Hookfang dive grab Toothless in his claws. 

"Stormfly, DOWN!" I direct my dragon Stormfly down to race and grab Hiccup before he dives first into the ocean. I see the ocean getting closer and closer. I can feel the tears - wait what!?- I do not like Hiccup or do I. I don't know right now. All I know is that I need to get Hiccup before he drowns in the ocean. 

Stormfly speeds down and we are suddenly under Hiccup. I grab him in my arms and feel that he is burning up. 

"Hiccup, please wake up. Please be okay." I whisper to him as we fly back up to meet the gang. 

"Guys, he's burning up. We need to find a place to stop and let him rest. We don't know what might happen if we wait too long before checking him." I inform the rest of the group. 

We find a nearby island and land. We look for a cave and quickly find one to rest and check on Hiccup. 

"Fishlegs can you figure out what's wrong with Hiccup." I say with concern in my voice. 


I hear a loud groan and bright emerald eyes slightly open. 

Hiccup's Point of View

I suddenly groan and slightly open my eyes. 

"Hiccup. Hiccup are you okay?" I heard someone's  voice, but I couldn't tell who. 

"AHHHHH!" I scream out as I suddenly feel like my brain is slamming against my skull. I grab my head with my hands. 

"Hiccup what's wrong?" I can tell it's Astrid talking. 

"MY HEAD!!!" I yell out. I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head as I drift into darkness again. 

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