Ch.Two~Waking Up Into A Dream

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"(Y,X), Hey baby girl, you gotta' wake up. It's almost 3:30 in the afternoon baby." You felt somebody gently shaking you out of your deep sleep. You moaned in exahstion. "C'mon lil' baby, you need to get up. We should probably get you home some time soon." You opened your eyes a little to see Ashley Purdy, your new found lover, looking down at you with his chocolate brown pools. You tried to sit up but found yourself to sore to do even that. He slinked his muscular arms around your body and laid you back down. "Shh,shh. You don't need to sit up baby. I put you through a lot last night." Ashley eased you back onto the small mattress and stroked your face. Listen, I should've asked you this last night but. Do your parents know where you are?" You laughed quietly answering.

"Yeah right, they're both on buisness trips, that's why I was able to even escape to the concert. Usually my dad has a fit about concerts and I think he'd have a heart attack if he found out about anything we did." Ashley nuzzled into your neck purring in comforting way.

"Aww, poor baby girl. Well I guess we'll just keep everything an itty bitty secret..." He nibbled on your ear gently making you giggle. He kissed you ever so lightly and asked. "But eventually we do have to take you home. We do have tour." Fear jolted through your system as you thought to yourself.

"Oh god, am I just another one night stand?" You were relieved to hear him say however.

"But I want to keep in touch with you until tour's over. Can I have your number, so we can talk, I'll give you mine. I just like hearing your pretty voice." Your heart melted at that moment. He was being so sweet. Given you'd just jumped into bed with him the night before, but he was taking care of you after. You smiled at him saying. "I'll give you my number, and I live on (where ever the heck you live.)"

"Alrighty then. I guess that's where we're going then." Ashley leaned outside the curtain surrounding the bunk you found yourself in. He pulled back up a clump of clothes and handed you your clothes from the night befoe. He slipped on some pj pants and opened curtain when you finished getting dressed. He lead you out to the main living area of the bus and you saw Andy, Jinxx, and Jake sitting casually on the couch. They all looked over at you two. Jake waved at you without a word but he did give you a comforting smile. You smiled and waved back. Andy simply flashed you a quick smile and turned his attention back to the tv. Jinxx above the others stood up and asked. "And who are you little miss?" You smiled at his friendliness and answered. "(Y,X), it's nice to meet you." You held out your hand to him and he shook it.  Ashley turned to you and pointed at a chair over by a window. "I'll go tell the driver where you live. You can sit there." You nodded and sat down. As soon as Ashley went up front to the driver cab Andy decided to talk to you. "So, (Y,X). Are your parents worried about you?" You shook your head and said.

"Not around to worry right now." He nodded slightly and once again turned back to the tv. Jake walked over to you and sat on the arm of the chair. He asked you about your life and what school you went to. He seemed to just be keeping away the awkward silence that might come if he didn't talk to you. Eventually Ashley returned and said that they were actually pretty close to your house. Ashley sat on the other side of the chair and Jake took that at his signal to leave you two be. He gently stroked your arm and rocked you in the chair. He kissed your hand and nipped your fingers. Soon the driver called out to you guys saying. "Hey were in her subdivision!" Ashley sighed and stood up. You tried to do the same but he instead picked you up bridal style. You heard a stifled giggle from Jake as the bus came to a stop in front of your house. Ashley plopped you at your front door and handed you a piece of paper. He gave you a long heart filled kiss and said. "Please baby, call me." You nodded at him. You took his phone for a moment to type in your number into his contacts. He gave you another kiss, slipping a little tongue into the moment, and waved at you as he reboarded the bus. Just as you were about to go into your house you head him call out a window. "I love you baby girl." You laughed aloud and replied yelling. 

"I love you too!' You waved happily and sighed as you slipped in the front door thinking to yourself. "I'm hoplessly in love with that outlaw."

Ashley Purdy Imagine, Dirty Purdy GirlsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora