Our Little Secret

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"Good morning, class!" Mrs. Adams greeted her second grade class, just like she always did. "Today we are going to write letters to other students, just like you, from New York. I am going to assign each of you your own pen-pal, and we'll all start writing out letters together as a class. Any questions?"
Six-year-old Camila Cabello, sitting alone at the back of the class, raised her hand. "What's a pen-pal?" she asked.
Mrs. Adams smiled. "I'm glad you asked! Raise your hand if you know what a pen-pal is." Each student looked around the classroom, trying to find someone with their hand raised. "No one? Great. Well a pen-pal is someone that you write letters to. They usually live far away, which is why letters or emails are the only way of talking to them. You write letters to that person, and eventually they will write back. It's sort of like talking to a friend, but in the form of a letter. Hopefully we can all become "friends" with our pen-pals from New York. Don't worry, they're only 3rd graders, just one year ahead of you. Do you all understand what a pen-pal is now?" The students nodded and sang, "Yes, Mrs. Adams."
"Good. I will be coming around with a piece if paper that has your pen-pal's name, age, and hobbies on it. I tried to match you up by gender and personality traits. So if you're a seven-year-old boy who likes sports, I tried to set you up with another seven-year-old boy who likes sports. If you're a girl who likes to draw, I probably set you up with another girl who likes to draw."

As Mrs. Adams passed out the papers, Camila waited anxiously, wondering what her pen-pal would be like. She didn't hesitate to look at her paper when it was put on her desk. "Lauren." she read. "She's 7 years old... And she loves singing, listening to music, and reading. Like me!" She looked up at the front of the class where her teacher was now standing.
"Do you all like your pen-pals?" Mrs. Adams asked the class.
"Yes, Mrs. Adams!" they replied in unison.
"Excellent! Now we can start writing our letters!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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