"Are you gonna cry when Phil is dead when you get back? Gonna sob over his body like the pathetic piece of shit that you are? You know we are the ones who injected his wound with bacteria right? What a waste. To think I actually thought you had potential."

Dan felt malice bubble up from his stomach he met the eyes of the beast in his face. The tears momentarily ended.
"Potential for what?"

"Leading. Who?" tears now of fury filled his eyes once again
"Us you dumbass. Lead us"
"No." Dan glared directly into Chris's grey orbs, causing him to pucker his bottom lip and furrow his brows in a pout. The thing tilted his head.
"AW WHY NOT" Dan shoved away the long, long list of reasons, knowing that if he tried to explain he would get too emotional and end up beating the life out of the other boy.
"AWWE COME ON BABE PLEASE" Chris got sickeningly close to Dan's face
"Don't call me that" Dan turned his head to get more space from the other boy who was taken back by his subject's distance
"Fine ." he stated in a hurt, and slightly miffed tone
Chris turned around to face the grey, brick wall , dismissing Dan


That was it
The final straw had been snapped
The line had been leaped over
He leapt from that awful wooden chair, to his weary feet. And with his last ounce of will, his fist slammed into the back of Chris's head. A blow so strong it knocked Chris into the wall in front of him. Chris turned around to defend himself, only to be slammed into the wall face first over. And over. And over. Again, causing blood to ooze from the wounds that the coarse brick had made on his pale skin. He yelled in pain, but that did now make Dan think twice. He turned Chris around and grabbed the collar of his hunter green jacket, and threw him to the ground. Dan climbed on top of Chris and rained punches down on the boy, until every square inch of his face was either covered in blood, bruises, or tears. Dan felt nothing but pure, unadulterated rage and regretted none of his actions. Chris was going unconscious at this point, but Dan kept hitting until his fists were covered in red liquid that was a mixture of his, and his enemy's. He then realised that Chris was completely unconscious. He gathered himself and took the opportunity to escape. He searched for a way out.

stairs- probably lead to more house and possible guards-bad

window- too small- won't fit- bad

other than that there was nothing. The room was nothing but an empty bit of space. However, Dan did notice something hopeful, yet terrifying. Fear built up in his chest.

an air vent

If he stood on a chair he would be able to crawl. He was a medium boy and it was a small vent which would make for a tight squeeze but it was is only way to help Phil. So, Mr. Howell marched over to the vent, pulled up a chair and shimmied into the tiny opening. It was summer, which meant on top of being cramped the metal ducts burnt his flesh as he crawled. The only thing he could move was his elbows, which were bleeding at this point. It was cramped. His legs had gone numb from the lack of circulation. He felt immense pain on his shoulders and neck from being hunched over and awkwardly inching his way through the horrid vents. He felt himself suffocating slowly and violently. He didn't see a light in front of him. He just kept crawling in the black in hopes of saving his friend.
Phil. The one thing he wanted right now. Just wanted to hold his hand and feel his energy. The tunnel seemed to get a little bigger and a little less warm with the thoughts of Phil. His smell. His smile. His secrets that only Dan knew. Dan felt himself crawling a bit faster. That smile. That grin that could make daisies and sunflowers grow rapidly enough to cover an entire country side in one day. Suddenly Dan felt a cool draft that quenched his thirst for anything but heat. He looked in front of him and saw seven blue lines in the darkness. He stared at the lines for a moment.
Is this an illusion?
He pondered
Ah fuck it
He said to himself
With the last ounce of strength in his body, he punched through the grate. Surprisingly it fell out the other side.
He assumed it was his only way out so he dove towards the dark blue square.
He fell
For what felt like ages
Then he hit the ground with a harsh thud
He was outside
A sigh of relief escaped his lungs
Suddenly a blackness consumed his vision and the world faded to dark
He assumed he had hit the ground so hard that he was going unconscious
He seemed to have fallen from a second floor
As the world slipped away from him one thought sunk through
When I wake up I'm getting the fuck out and finding his medicine

was his last thought

Nothingness consumed him and he fell from reality into a deep

* Lost Boys  ~ Dan/Howell • Phil/Lester *Where stories live. Discover now