Worrier not Warrior

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Ok....so maybe studying for 5 hours for a simple math test was a little much......but I had to be prepared for everything. And when I say everything- I mean EVERYTHING.

"Anna, you know the material!" 

"I know! But I still can be nervous right?" I was pacing back and forth on the balcany over looking the lunchroom. My friends Clara and Sydney were sitting on the ground eating their lunch. I, of course, was freaking out because math was the next period.

(picture of Syd and Anna (anna on the right, syd on the left) )

"Anna! Calm down! You're getting me stressed out!" I just ignored her and kept pacing. Clara gave Sydney a light shove.

"C'mon Syd. You never worry." She grinned.

"That doesn't mean that I can't!" I stopped walking and gave them a look. Suddenly, the seriousness and stressfulness was too much to bear. We all burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I whipped my head around and smiled as two guys came over and sat down, sliding their red lunch trays onto the ground next to Clara and Syd.

"Hey Connor!" He gave me a wave, then ran his hand through his perfect blonde hair. I shook my head and laughed. Connor was attractive....I'm pretty sure my school's entire female population thought he was hot. Maybe even the second hottest guy in the entire school. Antonio Delarose always came in first.

"What, so I don't get a hello?" I gave a squeal as Matthew's arm's tickled my stomach. 

"Stop!" It was more of a lauging beg than an actual command, but he stopped anyway and ruffled my hair.

"So, what's our little Anna Bannana worrying about today?" I gave Connor a look.

"I don't worry everyday." All of my friends nodded vigorously.

"Uh, yeah you do!"

"Shut up Clara." Everyone laughed.

The bell rang and I ran away from Clara, Syd, Connor and Matthew to my locker on the second floor making sure I got to  class on time

I smiled to myself as I finished the last problem on the test. It was too easy, as always. I was in all of the highest classes they offered in my school, even though I was only a junior. 

"Here. May I be excused?" 

"Did you check your work?" My teacher, Mrs.Gruff asked without looking up. After being answered by silence, she glanced and smiled when she saw me.

"Oh, never mind. Of course you can." I gave her a nod of thanks and left the room. Turns out, I wasn't alone in the hallway.

"You're the newbie right?" He asked. I nodded. I had moved there about a month before. Antonio smirked.

"Goodie two shoes finally get kicked out of class?" I rolled my eyes, slinging my back pack over my shoulder.

"None of your business." Antonio Delarose snickered and followed me as I walked towards my locker. After a few moments, I turned around and asked politely,

"Can I help you with something?" He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. It was short, black and was gelled up in the front. I walked away, but heard his footsteps echoing me. Deciding to ignore it, I unlocked my locker and neatly put my binder in, closing it again. Antonio was leaning against the wall opposite me.

"If you don't want something, then why are you following me again?" He shrugged.

"I'm bored." 

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