I also spy a jacket laying on the floor beside the wall where I sit my mother's photo. I walk over and place down the two photographs my Dad gave me and sling my arms into the jacket. Slightly damp, but it must belong to Writer.


I open the doors to Mrs. Malson's and she is sitting with Oscar, Omar, and what looks like another one of his friends.

"Hey!" I greet them with a smile.

"Linnea." Oscar is the first to smile. "Wait! Where have you been?"

"I left town for a couple days." I try to make light of what happened, I don't feel like talking about it.

I look on the table and I see five glasses filled with the smallest amount of brown liquid.

"You guys are drinking?"

Oscar looks at Mrs.Malson and she looks at the floor.

"No, she just put a little so we could try it, too strong for me though." He pushes the glass away but I cannot help but laugh.

"Can I try?" I place myself in a chair beside Oscar and reach for the glass in front of me.

"No! That's Felix's glass!" He suddenly shouts pulling it away from me, he then turns white as if he has said something poisonous, his hands cover his mouth.

"I mean, just drink from mine." He passes me his glass.

"Who's Felix?" I ask, I take his glass and bring it up to my lips and I can already smell the potent alcohol.

"Oscar you did yourself in." I can hear Omar say quietly.

I tip the glass so the alcohol touches my lips and freeze from the bitter taste and I see Writer walk out from the washroom.

He freezes the moment he sees me.


I smile. "Felix?"

He takes a moment before looking at OG. "You told her?!"

"No! Oscar did!" he shouts back at him, he and Omar points their fingers in his direction. I swear it is like they are four year old.

"Guys it's okay." I say. "Felix sounds better than Writer anyway."

I cannot help but smile at Felix's shyness.

"Come here." I open my arm for him and he walks closer so I can wrap my arm around his shoulder.

"Where were you for the past four days?" His eyes are filled with worry.

"I met my Dad, and I just needed some time." I say running my fingers down the side of his face before pulling away.

I look at Oscar and he tilts his head looking at my clothes.

"Why are you wearing my jacket?"

"It's yours?" I say. "I thought it was Writer's- I mean Felix's."

I pull it off from my shoulders and hand it to him.


"No it's okay, it wouldn't be the first time." I laugh at his comment.

"I promise to bring it back to you sooner."

Oscar nods and the room becomes quiet.

"Wait... you guys are friends?" Felix points his finger at us.

Oscar nods, "I ran into her with coffee."

''He ran into me with coffee.'' I say after him.

"I knew she was Flyer." Omar says sipping his drink the best he can, but he even struggles not to make faces.

Dear Writer, - The Fooo Conspiracy (Felix Sandman)Where stories live. Discover now