back story

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Alice is a sixteen year old girl that lives in California. Her father is a drunk abusive. Her mother died when she was eleven by getting in a car accident. Her car "lost control and drove off the bridge." She has a little sister, Amanda, who is six soon to be seven. She takes care of her sister and father dealing with the abuse. She also has issues with depression and suicidal thoughts and actions. She has cut but never has had the will to end it because who else will take care of her sister. She has good grades and is very smart but never talks to anyone. She sits in the back of the class hopeing for no one to notice her. But when a new boy comes to town her world turns around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hey guys I know this is short but more will come soon I hope you like my story. This chapter is pretty boring but its only the beginning I promise it will get better. thanks for reading and if you have any suggestions or comments please say I would live to hear what you think. Thank you!


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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