Chapter 2

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    As we ran down the hall, I started to think. Seokjin, jeong guk, and Jimin were the first people to not pick on me because of my hair.
      I gasped running into the back of Jimin when he suddenly stopped. I fell backwards and closed my eyes ready for impact. A hand grabbed mine quickly. I moved my right foot under me to take some of the weight. Wrong move. My ankle twisted slightly and I winced.
     The person who grabbed my hand pulled me up into a standing position. "You need to be more careful Jiminie"
     I opened my eyes to see a guy with short blond hair looking at jimin. "Sorry namjoon" Jimin said.
      Namjoon sighed and looked to me. "Are you okay?" He asked.
     "Oh uh yes. Thank you for catching me" I said and bowed. He smiled and patted my head.
     "It's no problem" he said. "I'm namjoon"
     "Nice to meet you. I'm mai" I said. He smiled and nodded.
     "Well I gotta get to class. I'll see you around" he said. "Oh and jimin. You still got no jams"
     He walked away, waving behind him. Confused, I turned to jimin. He was glareing at namjoon's retreating figure. "What did he mean?" I asked.
     Jimin shook his head and waved his hand. "Nothing, come on" he said and ran down the hall. I jogged after him so I could memorize where everything was and since my ankle still hurt. We made it to class just in time.
     "Ah, you must be the transfer student" the teacher said to me. I looked to her and smiled, bowing.
      She bowed back, smiling. "I'm Mrs. Miaishi"
      "I'm Hwen mai" I said. She nodded and turned to the class.
     "Everybody, I'd like you to meet Hwen Mai. She just transferred here from America. Now I understand most of you are thinking about her hair." Mrs. Miaishi said. "From what it says here, her hair bleached itself white at the age of ten. I want you to treat her nicely and make her feel welcomed"
     I bowed respectfully. Jimin waved to the seat next to him. I bowed to the teacher and made my way to the seat. Jimin smiled to me.  "Mai this is yoongi" he said pointing to a boy infront of him. Yoongi looked at me and gave a lazy wave. I waved back smiling.
     "It's nice to meet you yoongi, I'm mai" I said. He nodded lightly and looked forward.
     "You'll get use to him, he's just tired alot" Jimin said. I nodded softly and looked forward. The rest of the class went by slowly and I'll admit math is not my best subject.
      The bell rang and I started packing my stuff. I went to stand but hissed when a sharp pain shot up my leg. "Mai what's wrong?" Jimin asked.
      "I hurt my ankle when namjoon caught me. It didn't hurt much then but it seems to have gotten worse." She said looking at her swollen ankle.
    "Can you stand?" Yoongi asked. I looked to him and nodded lightly standing on my good foot. "Jimin help her up"
      "Huh?" I asked confused. Yoongi pointed to the chair. I still looked confused but got onto the  chair with slight pain. My eyes widened when yoongi stood infront of me with his back facing me.
     "Come on, or we'll be late" he said. Reluctantly I got on his back.  Jimin grabbed yoongi's bag and they walked out of the classroom.
     "I'm sorry you had to do this yoongi" I said.
      "I wouldn't have done it if I didn't mind" he said. I nodded lightly.
     "Thank you" I said. Just then jeong guk ran up to us.
      "Mai, what happened?" He asked.
      "It looks like she sprained her ankle" Jimin said pointing at her swollen ankle. Jeong guk made a yikes face.
     We reached the classroom and we're freeted with seokjin and namjoon watching two guys chase each other. Seokjin looked over and gasped, jogging over. "What happened?" He asked.
      "She sprained her ankle" Jeong guk said as yoongi sat her down on top of a desk.
     "Here let me take a look" seokjin said kneeling infront of me. I blushed in embarrassment as he pulled my shoe and sock off carefully. My ankle was definitely swollen. "Tell me if it hurts okay?"
       I nodded and he started gently poking places around my ankle. He poked a certain part and I hissed in pain. "There. Ow" I said.
    "Sorry" seokjin said. He looked at my ankle for a few more seconds before turning around. "Tae! Come here!"
     The boy that was being chased jogged over. "Yeah?" He asked.
     "Can you run to the nurse and get some ice?" Seokjin asked. Tae looked to him confused then at me and his eyes widened.
      "Whoa, your hair is awesome!" He exclaimed.
      "Tae" seokjin said. Tae nodded and ran out of the room. "Sorry, that's Kim taehyung"
     I nodded softly. "Hoseok come over here and meet mai" namjoon said.
     I looked over to who namjoon was talking to and froze. The guy walking towards us was gorgeous. Well honestly they were all gorgeous but he was beyond that. "Hi I'm jung Hoseok" he said holding out his hand.
      "Nice to meet you hoseok, I'm Hwen mai" I said smiling softly, and shook his hand. His hand was huge compared to my small one.
     "Wait, you transferred here from America right?" Jimin asked. I looked to him and nodded. "How fluent is your english? Namjoon's really good at english"
     "Really?" I asked namjoon in english.
      "Well I wouldn't brag but it's better then these guys" he said in English. I looked at the other and they had blank faces except seokjin. He was glareing slightly at namjoon.
     "Can you speak English seokjin?" I asked in korean.
     "Not as fluently but yes" he said. Just then taehyung came back with some ice. Seokjin took it and placed it against my ankle gently. I hissed and closed my eyes. "Sorry"
      I glanced at hoseok and he quickly looked away. 'This is gonna be interesting' I thought.

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