chapter 1

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"Did you pack all of your bags?" My mom yelled across the halls of my now-called old house.
"Yeah. I got everything." I murmered. I didn't want to leave Busan. It was so amazing here before Victoria and Chloe moved to the same school as me and ruined my life.

"Everyone come out now! Get in the car!" She yelled again. I couldn't stand her voice. I know she wanted to move for me, but I didn't want to. Maybe it will be better in Seoul. I carried my bags and headed out.

My brother, Sky, was next to me, listening to music. It was so loud that I could hear it. I ignored it and listened to my own as my mom was busy helping my dad drive. It was the longest 4 hours ever. Being stuck in a steel car in the summer weather. The smell of everyone's sweat mixed and I almost passed out. We passed Incheon, then finally, I saw the welcome plate for Seoul. Sky was still sleeping, he looked so funny, drooling and snorting. How could he sleep through all of this?

I stepped out of the car and I dramatically noticed the difference in air between Busan and Seoul. Everything seemed clearer and somehow more pure. Mom woke up Sky and his face expression was the same as mine. His clear skin and big, puppy eyes starred into the fluffy clouds.

Mom and dad were unpacking and asked us to carry some of the bags and bring it inside of our new house. Actually, an apartment. Sky and I snatched the bags and ran inside excitedly. Mom pressed in the apartment numbers and the door opened.

"Woah! This is better than our old house! We should have moved sooner!" Sky put the bags down and wandered around the apartment like a dog. It was funny for me to watch. The place myself, looked really good. Like Sky said, way better than our old house. I was so excited until my mom took me to my new school.

"Mom, maybe we should do this another day. You know, when I'm ready." I innocently whispered so that she wouldn't get mad.

"No, education is important." She said, just like any other Asian parent. I sighed and we walked into the office.

Everything was so modern and clean. Desks had perfectly tidied papers, folders, pencils, and they had apple computers for every person in the office! My old school couldn't even afford one computer for a classroom. Wow. This is so weird. How rich is this school?  I thought as I looked around. The staffs were all busy, holding papers or folders.

"Hello, how can I help you today miss? A friendly teacher came up to us and helped us with paperwork and the transfer. She was super friendly and understanding. The whole process took about an hour. My mom tried as hard as she could to get me in classes starting today. Fortunately, the teacher said it would be a bad idea, plus I needed the school materials. We said our thank yous and byes and went home.


The first morning was super hard. We had nothing to eat and had so many things to do and didn't know where to start. Sky and I go to different schools. Sky is looking for a college to attend and I had to go home while he stayed home. Mom and I got into the car and drove to Yongsan International High School.

"Are you excited? Sorry I couldn't get you the school uniform yet, but I'll get it for you as soon as I can." Mom said as she got off with all of my school supplies.

"It's okay." I said in a low voice.

Mom left and I was sitting in the office for instructions from the guidance and teachers. I observed everything, from the floors to the color of the walls. It seemed like there was a difference in everything I saw.

"Lee Ah Ran? Is Lee Ah Ran here?" a voice called from the office. I got up and she took me to my first class, homeroom. I was wearing black leggings with an oversized plain white t-shirt with a flannel. My hair was in a messy bun, but carefully made. I wanted to look causal, still fashionable. I was the eyes turn to me, but I tried not to care. I followed the teacher until I got to my homeroom, Park sungsemnim (teacher.) I stood outside of the class and heard Mr. Park tell the class about me. He called me in and I slowly made my entrance to my new life in Seoul.

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