"Happy Mother's Day!" Deja cheesed walking over to us.

My mom looked at the girls with tears in her eyes she still didn't notice my dad due to the nurse standing in the way.

"Aw look at my babies, come here you two are so big now" she engulfed them in a hug.

Zuri mean mugged her because she couldn't eat her cheeto puff.

"Oh I'm sorry baby go ahead and eat your chip"

My dad cleared his throat she looked over at him and covered her mouth, she wanted to get up and walk over to him but she couldn't due to being in a coma for awhile her body was still weak.

"Oh my god! Look at you"

My dad wasn't as frail as he was a couple months ago, and his hair was starting to come back the doctor said he was slowly but surely beating the cancer once again.

"aw well baby you know I have that effect on the ladies" he smiled and rolled himself over with my help he stood to his feet and gave her a hug and kiss.

I stepped back slightly but still held onto his back for support.

I looked over to see Deja in tears causing me to chuckle.

"Come on baby, don't cry"

She pouted walking over to me with Zuri still in her arms going in on another puff.

"It's so cute, I'm happy for you guys"

I smiled and looked at my family.

"me too"



   Abby smiled as she looked down at her ultrasound pictures today makes her exactly three and a half months and in three more weeks she could find out the sex of her baby, although she wanted the gender to be a surprise.

She rubbed her small pudge as she laid across her bed eating her favorite ice cream, rocky road.

Her mom softly knocked on the door before coming in.

She gave her mother a small smile "happy Mother's Day" she reached inside of her night stand and pulled out a card and small bag handing it over to her mom.

Marisa smiled at her daughter accepting the gifts "same to you too baby, how you feeling?"

She wasn't happy that her daughter is pregnant especially at a young age, but she had to accept the fact that her baby was having a baby.

"I'm okay, just kind of tired"

"understandable when I was pregnant with you and your brother all I did was sleep and eat everything in sight"

They bother shared a laugh.

"same thing that's happening to me" she motioned at the pint of ice cream.

Their conversation was cut short when her father,Eric walked in.

"Abby, you have a guest" looking up she saw spud standing behind her dad with a bag in his hand.

Marisa smiled at her daughter "I'll give you two time to talk"

"Happy Mother's Day" spud gave her a hug and handed her the flowers that he held In his hand.

"aw thank you baby"

Spud looked over at Abby who was eating her last few bites of ice cream.

"I guess I should be telling you happy Mother's Day too huh?" He smiled sitting beside her.

She shrugged "if I ever fed you than most def"

He smacked his teeth at her inappropriate mouth "man shut yo ass up here" he handed her the bag that held all of her favorite snacks.

"I thought I could be nice today be grateful" he stood to leave her comment pissed him off and he could tell she was starting to get a attitude.

She sighed sitting up.

"I'm sorry please don't leave, I apologize for my smart mouth"

He licked his lips and looked back at her "I can't stay for long I have some plans"

He finally stopped playing games and gave the girl from the store, Destiny a call a couple of days ago and he was starting to feel her just a little.

"plans? like what?" Abby knew it had to do with a girl she just wanted him to say it.

"why you worried? mosey ass, give me some ice cream though"

he laid back on the bed, he didn't want to bring up another girl in front of her — although they didn't have any type of relations other than being friends he didn't want to be disrespectful.

"I don't know where your lips been you might have the cooties"

"I might" he snatched the pint of her hand and took a spoonful of the chocolate ice cream.

"damn you ate it all" she frowned.

"shut up cry baby I brought you some more" she peaked into the bag seeing three pints.

Smiling she dapped him up.

"you the realist my nigga"

She opened one up and reached over pulling out a extra spoon from her night stand.

He laughed looking down at the spoon she held out towards him.

"yo you a real fat ass you got extra spoons in your room and shit"

"I am pregnant them late night cravings are something serious for real"

He smiled looking at her, she didn't have on any makeup and her skin held a natural glow he loved when she was In her natural state — not that he had a problem with makeup or weave, he just loved a little natural here and there.

"I feel it, turn to belly"

She grabbed the remote turning to their favorite movie, they laid there eating snacks and watching both movies— belly 1 and 2 before it was time for him to go kick it with Destiny.

After he left she laid on her back.

"he could have been mines, damn I'm stupid"


okay so don't get mad 😭 I've been having some bad ass writers block on top of that I have a job and it's the end of the year and trying to maintain A's all year round is not easy...at all.

I really would like to have conversations so tell me how your day is going, ready for school to be over? how's work? talk to me.

Also I have a new book coming I'm not going to publish it yet but I will give y'all a sneak peak so stay tuned (that will be coming later on today)

HAPPY MOTHERS DAYYY to all the wonderful mothers out there, and all the soon to be mothers!!.

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