Bri laughed. "True. I have that promise on video." She then started to pull out her phone to show me.

I reached for her hand and said 'no.'

"Ok...then. Do you still remember that day?" She giggled.

That day was so horrible, how could I not forget it!?

"Hah! Yes! I remember that Goose!"

Goose is what I call Brittany. I don't know exactly why I call her 'Goose' though. It started in third grade, and just never left her.

I chuckled and walked into the lunch room. I plopped down at my posse's lunch table. The one closest to the lunchroom door, but furthest away from the snotty, know it all boys. They seem to always be so nosy, and weird. Always getting up in your conversations, and begging for Cheez-its.

All together, there was six of us. Brittany, a girl who is overly dramatic, Leah a smarty pants, Devon the mischievous devil, Cal the suspicious one, and Zach the Tack, as in really funny and happy. Together, it was awkward, but we always made each other laugh. We loved each other and have known each other since third grade.

Zach sat down next to me. His dirty blonde hair all messy from PE. The green eyes piercing threw you. He stood tall, 6'1. "Hey!" He said biting into his tuna sandwich. I snapped out of my daze and turned back to reality.

"Gross! Tuna, again!?" I giggled.

I flat out hate tuna!

"Yeah!" he said nodding his head, and his mouth full of tuna.

I cringed at the horrid smell of tuna and peas. I turned and faced Cal, who was in front of me. "'s life?" I giggled.

"Good!" He said. Cal had dark brown hair and baby blue eyes. Freckles rained across his face in many colors. He had a fun personality, and was very active. Cal stood 5'8 and seemed to grow every week, little by little.

"Good!" I said. I gazed around at my friends. They were talking and having a good time. What could ruin this happy moment?

Since everyone else was unwrapping their lunch, I decided to do the same. My stomach growled at the thought of food. I hadn't eaten in over eight hours at least. I skipped breakfast, and had a late dinner.

I unzipped my burgundy lunch box. I pulled out my peanut butter and banana sandwich.

When I lifted up my sandwich, what I found underneath disturbed me most.

A letter.

Dear my Queen,

Follow the clues. Did you not get that? Anyway, your friends aren't who you think they are. Queen, listen, I am going to kill you if you don't move to the Magic world in the next 68 hours, understood?

I will try and visit more my queen.

~Red Fox.

I choked on my food. Kill?

Who is this psychopath? Not Joseph, not my dad, or mom. Who? Who is this 'Red Fox?'

Cal and Bri noticed me chocking and parted my back.

"What's wrong, dude?" Cal and Zach said at the same time. They laughed after the coincidence.

I ignored them and shut my eyes for a moment trying to process the letter.

"I could die!" I thought.

When I opened my eyes again, the note was gone. Vanished. I held my sandwich instead.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I said pushing away my friends' comfort.

"Hey guys? Can I ask you an honest question? Its a little silly." I said in a small voice.

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