Chapter 2: My school problems

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                                 {based on a true story *different names used}

I will start with some problems I had growing up first during my kindergarten year mostly spoke spanish and I couldn't write correctly I added random letters to words and my mom helped me the best she could. In first grade I remember my mom would write the spelling words on a piece of paper and I would copy them which that is known as cheating. Soon after I figured out that was called cheating I began to study it took a lot of work but by 2nd grade I would get 100% on test and I was proud to do something for myself. I got better at writing.

I was also bad at math this year I got better. First I will tell you what I still have trouble with going up to the board I had that problem in sixth grade because of my teacher Mrs. Brook who would humiliate me in front of others

*flashback (sixth grade)
"Bye mom see you later" then my mom drove away I walked towards the cafeteria that's where every kid in elementary school went to before class started I walked in and saw Siena (the best friend I made after Sophia) "hi Siena did you do the homework"
"Yeah" *bell rings
"Oh no Mrs. Brook"
"Okay class let's check your homework"
Mrs. Brook always picked sticks what a coincidence I was always picked

" Siena do number one"
(Many names after....)
"Sheila do number 28"
She always chose to pick on me
"The one that did number 28 you forgot to.....(after corrections)"
*class laughs
Mrs. Brook saw the kids picking on me and didn't do nothing
Sometimes when she was in a bad mood she yelled at me. After I got home I told my mom and she didn't believe me. I couldn't wait to leave elementary to go to middle school almost every day in Mrs. Brook's class she made me cry.
To this day I don't have the same confidence when it comes to math. Before I even get called I ask my friends what they get then I find my mistake. I would love to read and write it helped me escape my terrifying reality. I had to put up with Mrs. Brook best I can I had to stand her for the rest of the year. When I left her classroom I wasn't sad the only thing I was sad about was that one of my friends would be going to a different middle school.

* An encounter with Mrs. Brook this year
It was my dad's birthday and my family and I went to celebrate so we went to a restuarant and guess who I saw there Mrs. Brook she was eating with another teacher my mom said "want to go up to your teacher" I shook my head no. We were still waiting and eventually Mrs. Brook left I was relieved the next day was a school day and I told my friends who I just saw. My friends were shocked they couldn't believe it.
Even though I am now in middle school I can forgive but I will not forget what happened. Including one of my problems in school were about friends Sophia for example would ditch me and she was the only friend I had at that time then I would get mad and there was this time a bunch of girls made me cry because I didn't want to forgive Sophia and she told others that I liked Jake which was wrong of her. To this day none of my friends I made talk to her only 2 of them but the rest of my friends who will be introduced later cannot stand her. My best friend Siena is always by my side and helped me with the situation with Mrs. Brook she and some others never laughed. She is also best at giving advice.

She is a friend I met in 3rd grade recently we both dealed with the girl that teased me earlier in the life about Jake Savannah who called us loners puh-lease we both made her go away we didn't let her get to us once I told Savannah "thanks for reminding me to take the trash when I get home" her friends were right there. Then again we were nice to her in elementary but she has forgotten she must have hit her head really hard to forget we befriended her. She must have stopped bugging me because once before she started bullying Siena Savannah couldn't wait in line for the bathroom then started kicking the stall I was in and I got out and slammed the bathroom door really hard and those in line were scared. I told her to stop her atitude and she stopped bugging me but then bugged Siena about being a loner I didn't care that Savannah would bug me again but she can't bully my friends or anybody just because she thinks she's cool really middle school does change people. They forget people who helped them.

One another main problem is you need to know who to trust there is a way to test people some friends are secretive and others tell others so that then the teasing begins. One time I tested Juliette to see if she is a friend I could trust. First I told her I had a crush on someone named Bryan she obviously knows a lot of Bryans and so I needed to know that if she believed me that she would be secretive. But no she told others that I had a crush on a Bryan then I told her I was testing her which was true. So she ended up not being someone I trust I still talk to her I just don't talk about personal things.

Sometimes you have friends who are secretive and sometimes if you want to talk about a crush you can't use a name you can use words like the boy and then they possibly can't guess because there are a lot of boys that's what I do because I'm not ready to tell them yet what might they think.

Be sure to vote and comment and if you need someone to talk to feel free to private message me and the conversations are STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and I can give you advice, tips about what your question is and conversations will not be posted anywhere and will maintain CONFIDENTIAL

---- Sheilaperezxoxo

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