Hidden Deep within.. The Coffie?

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*~ CH. 2 ~*


*Layne and Austin are in a cozy nook of a coffee shop and are laughing about a story Layne has just finished with*

"So she seriously said that the rule didn't apply to her, but it applied to you?!" He asked "Yup, I reply, The teacher nearly fell out of her chair she was so mad!" "wow, Austin exhales, that is one messed up lil girl! Oh my gosh!!!" "What? I ask, confused. "Whats wrong??" "What's gonna happen when she gets a license?! We're all gonna die!!!" He shouts excitedly. "Duck and cover!" "Oh my god!" I yell/whisper. "You are without a doubt the most insane person i have ever met! And I let you buy me coffee!"

Austin and I laugh for a while till it dies off, then take a few sips of our coffee. As we start back on the topic of school Austin asks about why I'm visiting. "Oh," i reply, "I'm visiting Family here." "so, do you have friends up here or.." he trails off. "oh, yeah, not exactly," I answer vaguely, "I brought a couple friends along because really, they are like my sisters." There, I think to myself, that's truthful and just enough info to get by. Now to change the subject before... "Well, Does this mean I get to meet your "sisters"?" He asks, using air quotes and making me laugh. Suddenly, it all comes rushing at me, the last time I trusted my self to introduce a guy I was coming to like, to my friends, and what happened in the end. Again.

*~* BREAK!!*~*  And cue flashback!

"So Emily," Alex starts. "I was um wondering if you would uh like to maybe go out with me? I thnk your real pretty, and funny too!" <^ Emily, with a quick look of encouragment from me, replies "Um yeah Alex! I'd love to!" ^> Later that night Emily phones me to talk about the events of that afternoon. "Emily, I promise you im fine! " Lieing had become my second nature when it came to my heart. "This aint the first time a guy used me for a friend! lets just hope its the last!" i say, trying to make light of the subject.  "That wont stop me from feeling bad! You really liked this boy, and still when you come to find he likes me, you help bring us together! And, i accept his offer to date him right in front of you! What kinda friend does that make me? " she cries out. "The kinda of best friend thats helping her bff help out a bgf aftera rough patch?" i reply evenly, and calmly.

She is silent for a moment. "are you sure your ok?" "YES!, I cry. Now go have fun for me alright??? tell me all the deats late kk?" "If your sure.... i guess ill ttyl?" "Yes chicka, you betta!" "okk, ILY sis! she calls as she starts to hang up. "ILY, i call out faintly." Only as i hear the click of the line going dead, do i let the flood gate of my emotions finally break. "Come on Layne, I tell myself, Pull it together! You have got to stop this crush buisness,"  I council myself." its leading you no where. You need to face the fact that you are forever and always the eternal best friend. The one couples come to when they are in trouble."

FLASH FORWARD: Present day.

"um, Layne?" I ask, bringing Layne back to the coffee loft. "what?" She asks , Realizing that she had been staring into her coffee, as if for an answer. "What was the question again?" "I asked, If I could meet those friends you mentioned?" I repeat, unsure of what she had spaced out for. "oh, um yah sure. whatever..." she replies, slightly subdued. "Kewl!" I reply, flashiing a calm smile. "Well i should probably get going.." She says, standing to leave.

Your losing her! my mind screams. "Wati! I say, I at least need your # right? So I can, you know, make sure I see you again? *I smirk and give my self a mental pat on the back*She smiles, a quite well practiced, yet still noticably fake, smile. "Sure Austin, Its... whay are you looking at me funny?" "Its just, you said my name... you always call me super star.. " "oh, She stumbles, well, super stsr, im sorry for messin with the status quo." She winks, and I glimps the usual her. "Anyways, my number is 215-650-7709." she replies, before stepping out into the busy street.

A/N!!!: the number aboe is just a bunch of area codes, so totes useless!!! Sorry stalkers! ;D will get more in L8ter! YOLO dont gotta mean SOLO 

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