Yuuri K.

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Happy mothers day to all of the great mom's out there. I dont know how you do it but you stayed strong even when you reached your lowest point.


Waking up from your deep slumber you felt strong warm arms wrapped around your slim figure and turned to see your husband Yuuri Katsuki. You smiled at his sleeping face and decided to go back to sleep.

Before falling back into slumber you felt wet sleepy kisses being put upon your neck. You re-opened your eyes to see the one and only Katsuki son doing the said actions. "Good morning to you too." You commented and giggled at the tired boy.

He mumbled a quiet 'morning' in your neck and went up to capture your lips in a loving kiss. You replied by kissing back with the same amount of love that was given to you. He pulled away to look into your glistening orbs that he always loved from day one and smiled at how much he loved you.

"I love you so much, (y/n)." He finished with that smile you always adored. "I love you too, but, why are you saying all this now?" You questioned confused.

Just as you finished your sentence your two kids came running into your room with big smile's on their faces that looked just like yuuri's. "Happy mothers day, mommy!" They said together sitting on the bed. "Thanks you guys so much." You said and kissed their foreheads.

"Here this is from us, mom." You older child said and gave you a card that was hand made. You opened it and saw to tall stick figures along with two smaller ones holding hands with the words 'Happy mothers day' on the top. You looked up and smiled at them.

"Aw thank you guys so much, i love you guys." You said and ruffled their hair. "Come on mom, dad wants to show you something." They said and ushered you out of bed.

You all walked to the kitchen to see a table full of breakfast foods. You turned and hugged yuuri and gave him a quick peck on the lips while the kids were not looking. "I love you so much." You mumbled in his chest. He chuckled and pulled out a seat for you to sit in.

You sat next to yuuri while the twins sat on the other side of the table. You noticed a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the table with a card attached. You pulled out the card and looked at yuuri with a smile.

"Open it love." He said and you did. You read the card with the nice hand writing knowing it was yuuri that wrote it.

Dear (y/n),
You dont know how much I love you and how happy I am that you decided to stay by my side forever. I am very happy that you gave me two beautiful children that I can always come home to and watch grow up.

I am so very grateful that you said yes when I asked to marry you and that I wanted to wake up to that beautiful face in the morning everyday for the rest of my life.

I am very glad to be called your husband and for you to be called my wife, i love you so much that it hurts. I want to grow old with you and tell stories to our grandchildren on how we met.

I cant wait for what the future holds for us, (y/n),

With love forever and eternity,


You turned to yuuri and captured him in a loving hug showing him how much you cared for him and that you'll never let him go.


You let go and looked into his chocolate brown eyes while her wiped away the flowing liquid from your face. "I love you so much, yuuri and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." You said and smiled. "I love you too, my beautiful (y/n)." He said and leaned in closer to you capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.

Your short kiss turned into a makeout session. As soon as things got heated you heard two 'Ewwww's coming from the children. You both pulled away and laughed at the grossed out kids.

"I guess mommy and daddy really love eachother." Your younger one said while the other one giggled and nodded in agreement. You chuckled and said a short 'We do' and went to eating.

After breakfast you where told to get ready for the day so you showered and changed clothes."Hurry up mom!" One of your kids yelled behind your closed door. "Im almost done!" You yelled back.

'I wonder what this day will bring me'
You thought.


Welp happy mothers day to all the g8 mothers out there you guys are true badass heros i just made a short lil drabble for this occasion 

I have to do a lemon on phichit but dont know how to start it *sigh*

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