11 | Decision Reconsidered

Start from the beginning

                       "It's good to see you again, Miss Granger. Good to see you, indeed."

Professor Slughorn smiled graciously at Hermione sitting down at the Head Table next to him. Above them, the enchanted ceiling was already lit up with sparks of fireworks against a dark night sky, preluding the festivities of later that evening. At the customary single House Table several students took their places too, and, for a moment, Hermione's eyes subconsciously searched for a tall, blond Slytherin with cool grey eyes that warmed up when they looked at her. Seven years ago he'd been absent at this New Year's Eve dinner, too, succeeding in casting a Patronus for the first time. Because of a memory of her.

"What has it been since you and Mr Malfoy graduated? Six years? Seven years? I've never had such a talented couple in my class again. Such a pity." Professor Slughorn sighed and rubbed the expensive brocade spanning his wide belly.

Hermione dolefully remembered those double periods of Potions class of being trapped in a school desk with Draco Malfoy. What wouldn't she give to be in that position one more time and use the time to tell him how much she'd missed him, too.

"You know he was here this afternoon, don't you?"

"Who?" Hermione responded automatically, reluctant to let go of the echo of the past.

The old professor raised his eyebrows. "Well, your Potions partner, of course. Mr Malfoy."

Wide-eyed, Hermione turned to look at the professor, too stunned to correct his assumption that Draco had been her Potions partner during their eighth year when, in fact, it had been Ginny. "He was?"

The Professor nodded with a secretive smile. "He was. Here on invitation by the Headmistress. It took her ages to get him here and see the boy over there." He gave an inconspicuous nod at the House Table below. The seventh year student he pointed at Hermione vaguely remembered from when he had only been a small first year.

She let out a small gasp. "Andreas."

Perhaps the boy heard her over at the Head Table because he looked up, and she met with a pensive gaze in sharp, intelligent eyes. Then he returned to his conversation with the Hufflepuff sitting next to him.

"I see you remember him," Professor Slughorn remarked approvingly. "Splendid. Sadly, Mr Malfoy had to leave us before dinner. He had another pressing appointment at the Ministry."

Hermione's heart jolted in her chest. So, it had not been a complete coincidence Draco had come over to collect his book. What wouldn't she give for him to have stayed for dinner so they could watch the fireworks together.

"Such a pity you've missed him," Professor Slughorn chattered on, seemingly unaware of the effect his words had on Hermione. "It would have been wonderful to have you two brew me a nice little potion again...for old times' sake, of course."

Picking up the gold fork and knife, Hermione began eating the no doubt delicious meal the Hogwarts house-elves had prepared for them without tasting it. The former Gryffindor didn't notice when Professor Slughorn turned away and started a hushed conversation with Professor Vector. On her other side, Professor McGonagall quietly handed her a bowl with potatoes and gave her a meaningful look.

"It was good to see Mr Malfoy today. He's come such a long way. To see what he has become...is to see hope for change personified."

Hermione gave her a weak smile, feeling that the professor had seen her face fall, which of course she wouldn't understand. Because why would Hermione Granger feel this affected by missing Draco Malfoy? This time, the professor passed her a bowl with caramelised chicory as she gave her former student a sideways glance.

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