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THE STEEL LOCKER SLAMMED SHUT, the echo filling the lonely hallway. A beam of light appeared from a hole in the wall. You crawled over to it and peered out of the hole.

"Jason." You whimpered out, as if he would be able to hear your weary tone.

Before you could even try to yell or to him a hand grasped over your mouth. You tried to scream, but it was mute. Your screams were not heard from the material of his white glove.

You could hear faint footsteps that were soon drowned out by the maniac laughter of your captor. You struggled, but he had a strong grip over you. You soon gave up, hoping Jason would find you soon.

"You know what I want?" The captor asked, stepping half into the light, revealing his pale white face and acid green hair.

"I don't care." You spat, hurling blood from your mouth at him.

"For someone who is about to die you are very confident." Joker admitted, wiping he blood from his face. "But I want to finish the job I started."

"And what job is that?" You asked, trying to keep up the tough act like he told you but it was slipping during to curiousness.

"You know what they say? Curiosity killed the cat." Joker chuckled, grabbing his crowbar from the corner of the room.

You tried to run, but your tied back hands and feet were stopping you. You squirmed, trying to get your mind to remember all the lessons that he taught you about escaping. But it was no use.

"Lights out." He boomed, hitting you in the head, locking you out.

• • •

"Y/N!" A different voice yelled out, waking you up from your unconsciousness.

You groggily opened your eyes, briefly scanning your surroundings. Your eyes focused on the man's face that was in front of yours.

"Jason." You muttered, loud enough so he could hear.

"I got you." He sighed, lifting you up and carrying you bridal-style.

You saw the Joker covered in blood on the stone cold ground. "Is he--"

"He should be..." He paused before giving a heavy sigh, "But he's not." His voice had a heavier tone, and you realised he wasn't in his red hood gear.

"What is going to happen to him?" You questioned, looking up to his face.

"Bruce is on the way." He quickly answered, looking down at your beaten up face. "Come on...." He paused, adjusting you in his arms, "You're coming home."

this isn't the longest but it's all I can do feeling this bad
word count: 418

DC ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang