Chapter One

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She loves him. I know that. And I'm happy for them, I really am. It's just that I want to be that person. I want to be the one that kisses her and the one that makes her smile as big as she is right now. I want to be the one she talks about kissing non-stop. I want to be where he is. But I'll never be and that's okay. I'm not gonna hurt my best friend and my brother because of some crush. I'm better than that. Keep it together, Sadie Sink.

I turned around on my bed, blankly staring at my wall for minutes, maybe hours, maybe even days or years. I heard a knock on the door and grabbed my knife, only to relax slightly as Noah opened the door. I prayed Millie hadn't woken up and followed him outside. This had been routine ever since Millie was able to go places. Noah would fall asleep for a few minutes, only to wake up due to nightmares. I understood what he was going through, I was going through the same thing. We went outside and just talked about anything until dawn and snuck in before Gaten woke up. "Hey." He started as I tried to think of some good topics to talk about. "Hey."
"I finished The Hobbit today."
"About fucking time, Noah."
He laughed. "I know, I know."
"So, what did you think?"
"I'm seriously considering having my name changed to Bilbo." He joked and I let out a loud laugh, causing him to shush me. I quickly put my hands over my mouth. "Sorry."
"It's okay."
"We should find a way to get Lord Of The Rings."
"I know a bookshop about fifty miles from here, if we beg Caleb."
"You mean if I beg Caleb."
"Well his arm needs to heal first, but it's been a while and Finn said it'll be ready for use soon."
"We're lucky all the King's family takes First Aid and med classes."
"Yeah we are, we definitely got lucky with these friends."
I sighed, thinking about our lives before we got arrested and met these dorks. "You remember how you met Finn?" I asked him, laughing. "How could I not, I nearly killed him with a high heel."
"Honestly some of your finest almost work."
Noah bowed and laughed and I was happy I got to see him like this. The others didn't see him when he was cracking jokes or laughing loudly. Only I did, and I had for eleven years now. "Eleven years, we've known each other." I mumbled, looking up to the stars. "It's been a long time." He replied, looking at the forest. "It's been one hell of a time, and I'm happy to have lived these years with you, my friend." I said, getting formal and emotional. "Sadie, I know what that accent means, and I want you to know, I love you, too." I gave him a side hug and we just laid in the grass in silence until the sky started becoming lighter. "We should get inside." I whispered, getting up. Only to find that he's been sleeping soundly for a while now. I picked him up and carried him inside, not wanting to wake him from the most decent sleep he'd had in over seven years. I opened the door to Finn and his room with my foot and gently put him down on his bed, pulling the covers over him. My best friend.

I snuck into my own room before realizing I should warn Gaten not to wake us up. I walked up to his room to find that Gaten and Caleb had managed to push their beds together to create a double bed. Judging by the amount of movement the duvets had endured in just this night, I guessed it was because of nightmares. This happened to those two sometimes. It's why we put them in one room in the first place. I stepped over to Gaten's side and gently shook him awake, only to be met with a knife to my throat. "Gaten, it's Sadie." He had a wild look in his eyes that only faded when I showed him the scar in my neck. A scar he had caused a few years ago. "Sadie? Why are you here?"
"Noah is asleep."
"Shhh. Don't wake them up."
"Noah is asleep? That has never happened."
"I know so don't yell everyone awake."
"We might as well get everyone up and make breakfast right now."
"I'll take Millie and Finn, you wake Caleb up. I'll carry Millie to the living room."
"Deal, I'm not exactly stealthy with my leg."
"You were shot, it's expected."
"Finn got shot and he's fine."
"The bullet grazed his ear, that doesn't equate to taking a bullet to the leg to save a civilian's life." He smiled and told me to go wake "the lovebirds" up. I rolled my eyes at the nickname, still unhappy that she chose him.

"Millie, get up but be quiet."
"Long story, get dressed while I wake Finn up."
"Could you send him over when he's up?"
"No, I'll carry you to the living room, you can talk or fuck or whatever there." She pouted but went bright red. "Just get changed."
"Could you help me with my pants?"
I kneeled in front of her, helping her take off her sweatpants and put on some PE shorts. I'm pretty sure I was fairly red by the time I was done. She blew me a kiss as I left the room to go wake her boy toy up. "Finn, if you make a single sound, I'll kill you." He didn't question it, just gathered some clothes and went into the bathroom in nothing but his boxer shorts. I rolled my eyes at him, smiled fondly at Noah, closed the door, and walked back to my room to get Millie. I picked her up and carefully carried her to the living room. "Well, princess, I think this is your stop." She rolled her eyes at the nickname but thanked me nonetheless. "Sadie, I need help with the food." Gaten whispered, walking towards me from the kitchen. "Do you know where he keeps the Nutella?" I sighed. "The cupboard with the broken light in the bottom."
"Thanks." Gaten blew me a kiss and went back into the kitchen. After a minute of debating with myself I followed him to make sure he wouldn't fuck up.

We ate in mostly silence so we wouldn't wake Noah up. We left him three slices of bread on a plate on the counter with a second plate covering it against animals. We did live in the woods, after all. We all went outside, thank god the weather was good, to just do nothing for a day. We hadn't relaxed in such a long time that I could see Caleb getting restless. "How did you know Noah was asleep?" He suddenly asked me. "I've known him for eleven years, I know that kind of stuff."
"Sads, that's not a reason."
"Cay, it doesn't matter."
"Sadie, just tell me."
We continued bickering for a while, my mood only worsening when I saw Finn help Millie up and lead her to the back of the house. Caleb followed my gaze and gasped. "Are you jealous?"
"No, I'm not."
"You are, that's why you're so defensive today. Love is weakness in your eyes."
"Love is not weakness. Unanswered love, however, is."
"Dude, she likes you. There's always a glimmer of doubt when she look at Finn and you."
"I'm not gonna break up two of my friends because I have a stupid crush."
"I'm not suggesting that."

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