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One of my favorite YouTube video, you can really see Emma and Ryan's chemistry here. And by the way the interviewer I great, possibly one of the best I've ever seen. So anyways let the story start...
Mia's pov

Should I go back in...

Should I...

No, I told myself, I have a husband and a daughter. Just as I thought about that, my husband pulled out the car in front of me and I stepped in.

I was silent for the whole ride, think about how things would have been different if I and Sebastian stayed together.

Then I thought about why didn't I went back into the bar, and the thought of that made me feel sick.

My husband seemed to noticed silence and he broke it 'Are you alright, honey, you look a bit pale.' I just nodded, too sick to speak.

When we arrived back home, I got myself out of the car as fast as I could and rushed to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I heaved up everything I have eaten that day.

I heard out side the bathroom my daughter is asking ' Daddy, is mommy okay?'

No I am not okay I thought silently.

'Mommy's okay, she probably is just carsick. Come on now dear, lets get you to bed, I will check on mommy once I am done reading your bedtime story. Now come on.' My husband told her.

' What will the bedtime story be today?' I heard my daughter say as are walking away.

After spending like thirty minutes in the bathroom, I open the door and walked out, and right there my husband was waiting for me with deep concern on he face.

He opens his jaws to speak but before he could make a sound I said ' I am alright hun, I am just carsick like you said, now let's get some sleep.'

I knew that I was lying, I knew that it wasn't the car ride that made me felt sick, it was the decisions that I made, the reason that I am not together with Sebastian. 
He didn't seemed to notice, which is a good thing. He just walks towards our room.

That night I couldn't sleep, my brain just can't stop thinking about Sebastian no matter how hard I tried. At about three at night, I figured that I should make myself useful considering that I can sleep.

So I packed my handbag so I wouldn't have to do it in a rush next morning, because I need to go to work early the next morning.

When I was packing, I found a small bag. I was curious, so I opened it, there I saw a picture, it is of me and Sebastian. Somehow, seeing this picture is super comforting.

After I am done, I went back to bed with the picture in my hand. I put it under the pillow and finally I could sleep.
Hi there thanks for reading my story, I know that this chapter is a bit short, but I promise the next one would be longer.


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